


3 years, 4 months ago



Primerose also just called Rose is the bow of the Cyclot explorer team. She’s not the oldest but is often the one acting as the older sister to the group.  She is The scout and long range damage for the group and the vie of reason in conversations and negotiations. Able to work alone as well as she can in the group or with other groups, she is the most flexible of the group and is often out on forest patrol by her self or with one of the watch. 

Her main ability is to summon and use varying kinds of bows an arrow. Thou she does has a favorite to the common long bow and iron tip arrows. Unlike her younger brother’s Hawk and Tine he second ability is not turning into her weapon of choose but instead invisibility. This help her better get into choose position to take out targets and scout location for traps.  Rose also often uses a collection of charms and spell scrolls to farther her skills in the field.

Calm cool and rational thinking. Rose try’s to be the voice of reason and fast to react to problems but she can sometime loose her cool. And her sarcasm can be as lethal as her bow. Her and Zela get along greatly on calm casual hunts.