


3 years, 7 months ago



Zinker is the oldest of the Cyclot explorer team. Aloof powerful and clever he is the mage of the group. A strong magical attacker and defender of the group as well as the healer. Long since mutated by magic Zinker walks upright and wields many weapons spells and tools with his hands.  Most often falling to using Hawk and Tine if faced with one-on-one physical altercations. Yet Zinker not one to let things fall to that often. Using his abilities of summoning and a large knowledge of books he can fling many different types of spells offensively and defensively and even heal. Mage blasts being he preferred means of attacking, and nullification fields being his preferred means of defense form magical attacks. Often stealing enemies’ own attacks to throw back at them. 

Zinker has a secondary ability but it’s a little less important than his portal summons. Yet it is just as useful as it is the power source for his seemingly limitless magical ability. An atunment to the magical aura of things around him. Able to pull power in from seemingly anywhere to help fuel him and drive him to victory. Yet like all things it has a down side. If pushed to far Zinker can mentally fry and black out. So far he’s always been able to make sure his enemy is already down for the count.

With four arms Zinker can proficiently wield Hawk and Tine in their item forms and cast magic. making the trio a very powerful warrior.  And unpredictable as Zinker can also use his brothers summoned weapons why they fight as clots. Throw in Roses long range capabilities the four can take on a large number of dangerous issues for the watch and even the temple.

it should be noted wren can not stand Zinkr chaotic nature and refuses to work with him.