Hey! Any chance i could offer some art for this design and the Solar Flare design? I'd be up to do a few fullbodies, but I can also do the equivalent in smaller art (icons/chibis/etc)! I'm very flexible with offers if you're looking for something specific!

hi!! sorry for the late response, ive been sick X_X

im very interested in your offer !!! let me know if this is too much, but how does 3 fullbodies & two icons sound? ;w;

Oh no, I hope you recover soon enough :( please take care

I think that sounds good! However im not sure I could do complex backgrounds for the fullbodies for two designs that are on a base, if you're fine with that i'd be happy to accept that!
Edit: actually, thinking about it a bit more it does feel like a bit too much, would you be okay with -1 fullbody on that same offer?

yea thats fine !! :] totally understand!

one of the characters i'd like for you to draw needs a new ref, so im working on that rn X_X

for now, could you do a fullbody of [ tuesday ] ? any of his palettes/outfits are fine. :] he's not very expressive and normally has a grumpy look on his face! pose can be relaxed, but i dont have anything particular in mind.

for the other two fullbodies, i would like it if they could be in the same picture together !! [ anne's ] ref is ready, but [ jack ] is one without a recent ref. im working on him right now. i'll talk about them after i get his ref done! ^^

the icons would actually be of those two! anne is very sleepy, so she could look either tired or like she's asleep - but she'd have a smile either way! :] don't worry about jack right now, i'll talk abt his icon later!

if you can't draw any of these guys for any reason, please lmk & i'll get a replacement!! ^^

thank you so much!

I can work with all those characters so no worries! Quick thing though, did my edit not post? Aa I was asking if you'd be okay with one fullbody less since it felt a bit too much after i thought about it for a bit, so basically 2 fullbodies and 2 icons?

oh!! so sorry, i didnt see your edited post X_X that sounds fine to me! dont worry about the fullbody of tuesday, then :]

2 Replies

hi!! i finished jack's ref, so i'm gonna go ahead & detail the fullbody of him & anne :] no rush ofc!

could you draw the two of them interacting? anne would probably be holding onto his arm & kindof tugging on him with a cheeky grin, while jack is getting tugged around kinda like =_= <--(actually is enjoying her company).  if that makes sense. i can draw like a quick doodle if that explanation isn't clear enough, it'd be no trouble TTvTT )b the sweater outfit would be preferable for jack, while i have no preference for anne's outfit :]

for jack's icon, he'd have a serious expression on his face! the faces on his ref actually kindof encapsulate how he can be, so doing something along those lines works! no preference for which outfit ^^

no rush of course, but do you have an ETA on when you might be able to get started on these? just curious is all! ^^

3 Replies

Is there anybody from my account that my interest you?

i'm afraid not, sorry !!

im afraid i dont see anyone im interested in, sorry! ;v;

Okey :4

Can I trade you anyone from this folder? https://toyhou.se/danilabonnie/characters/folder:1879712 or art uwu

i didn't see anyone i was interested in, sorry! qvq do you have any examples of your art?

I have these drawings pwp https://toyhou.se/9866669.art-

how much would you be willing to draw for them ?

I could make a full color half body drawing ^^ or anything you want

sorry for the late response!! i'm afraid i'm looking for a bit more than that, but i don't want to ask too much from you ^^;;

1 Replies


I was wondering if you would be interested in someone here to trade! 


there are no folder limits, including sonas, I can offer 2 characters if necessary <3

(some OC's in the sonas folders await art)

im afraid i didnt see anyone i was interested in, sorry !! ;v;

No problem! thank you very much for taking a look! <3