


3 years, 2 months ago


A Flurofaun inspired by Chichi~


Keena is, despite her generally soft and sultry appearance, quite a cold and calculating woman. Though she may tease and flirt, she generally keeps people a fair distance away emotionally. Very few have managed to break the walls around her heart. Though she pretends to be empathetic at times and upkeep her reputation/image, she is a selfish businesswoman through and through. What she wants most in life at the moment, is to have a rich and lazy future, hence she's currently pouring her soul into her work and prying as many raises she can get. Still, she has a soft spot for her lover, Rion, who she only recently accepted after being pursued for so long.


Being born a Flurofaun, by two rich members of society who had purchased the serum in their younger days, Keena was very used to the attention her conspicuous appearance brings. In the past, she has dressed up to hide her glowing parts, with a cute hat that had floppy ears to hide her ears, and somewhat marvelled at the lack of attention it brung to her everyday life. Still, such dressing-up was too much effort on her part, so she rarely ever did such a thing again.

Frustrated by her parents' bickering and fighting, Keena became independent at a young age, moving out at the start of highschool and focusing heavily on her schoolwork. Although since her parents were rich, she didn't have to worry about getting a part-time job and lived in quite a nice apartment close to her school, she found herself temporary jobs and the like to further her work experience. When her parents eventually divorced only a few years later, Keena was far from surprised and continued to maintain a good relationship with each of her parents.

Currently, Keena is a successful Real Estate Secretary at a small but upcoming company, being one of the fundamental powers of its growth with her support. Therefore, she is often bickering with her boss, who is also an old friend of hers, in order to increase her pay. She moved into Rion's luxurious apartment recently, finally willing to give her trust and heart to him.