


3 years, 4 months ago




  • Name Cottoney
  • Age 17
  • Height 5'1
  • Occupation Brawler
  • Sexuality Panromantic, Asexual
  • Song WIP
  • Personality

    Cottoney is a real sweet tooth. They love everything sweet! Marshmallows, Chocolate, Milkshakes, everything! They are really addicted to sugar, however, they don't gain weight at all. But if they eat sweets, they are the most happy Lynx Felidae on Earth.

    Besides their sugar addiction, Cottoney is a brawler. But not because they love to fight. It's more because they want to have enough money to buy sweets and chocolate and also they are too scared to learn any other job. And since they stumbled into brawling and are too scared to get out of it and get caught, Cottoney lives now as a brawler, panicing often in fights.

    Outside of the brawls, they love to talk to people, but at the same time they are super shy and scared of a lot of things. And just like their love for sweets, their personality is super sweet! They often feed animals in the streets and help others with their problems. They have a lot of friends, who know them as a funny punny and sweet cinnamon roll!

    Cottoney would try other food more, but they are super sensitive when it comes to spicy and bitter food and drinks. They make their stomach go brrr. And so, Cottoney sticks to sweets. And putting sugar on everything. And plushies. They often carry a plushie with them to take a nap or cuddle them somewhere.

    Their hobbies include eating, taking naps, cuddling, doodling, making plushies, getting comfy and watching anime.

  • Skills
    • ● Burning plushies: Can set their plush tail on fire. Luckily the tail can't burn down completely and only gets black from ashes. Cottoney spends hours cleaning their tail afterwards.
    • ● Attillery: Hides a ton of small weapons like daggers in their plush tail. Can get them out by moving one of the patches on their tail aside.
    • ● Bouncy!: Can jump on their own tail like it's a bouncing jumpy spring!
    • ● Plush army: Can bring their plushies to life, which attack the enemy. Those plushies can also ignite.
    • ● Alive Snake: Can move like crazy, also can put their leg behind their ear.
    • ● Sugar Rush: When eating too much sugar, they get hyperactive and their powers increase.
    • Likes Plushies, Pillows, Beds, Sugar, Sweets, comfy places, warm places, soft music, Lo-Fi, flowers
    • Dislikes Pitchblack Darkness, Fighting against Elite Brawlers, Being Broke, dirty things (especially when their tail is dirty), Spicy Food, Coffee
    • Background

      Cottoney lived their whole life in Sunset Overdrive. They were used, but still always amazed of the technology and the aesthetic of this synthwavey city. And in school, Cottoney always hang around their friends, who appreciated their sweet personality, as well as them sharing the best sweets with them.

      But if you asked them which job they wanna take, they never had a real answer. They never had a plan for their life and they wanted to do something chill. And so, they researched for a job, but never found a fitting one. That was until one fateful day, their life was turned around.

      It turned out one of their friends was a famous brawler from the underground. Since Brawling was forbidden, this brawler ran away from the police, until they ran past Cottoney, dragging them accidently with them. They fleed into the Underground of brawlers, ending up in a brawl fight. The brawler in the ring was so annoyed by the two interrupting them, that they decided to pull the panicing Cottoney into the ring.

      But thanks to Cottoney messing around with their tail when they modified their body, they knew a few self defence techniques. They got a knife out of their dagger and, thanks to their speed and knowledge, they beat up the brawler who challenged them. Cottoney was super proud of themself at first, but then their smile dropped:

      They took part in an illegal brawl fight. And now there was no turning back. They were too afraid someone in the city would see their crimes when they took a normal job. And so, Cottoney decided to become a brawler. Because of this and because you can make a lot of money, which you can spend on sweets.

Design Notes And Wishlist
  • ● Has hearts and stars and a band-aid in their face, NOT OPTIONAL
  • ● Their gloves are also NOT optional
  • ● Their body build is slender
  • ● Has smol fangs
  • ● -----WISHLIST-----
  • ● Anything related to her themesong would be pretty epic
  • ● Anything based on her personality or skills is super epic as well!
  • ● Cuddling Plushies
  • ● Fighting
  • ● Cleaning their tail
WIP Relationship


If you drink only stuff with sugar, what drinks do you usually drink?

Hmmmm. I would say Lemonade, Tee with sugar, Water with Sugar, Milkshakes...

  • ● Their favorite Anime is Aggretsuko
  • ● When not having any plushie near them, they cuddle their own tail
  • ● Can't drink drinks without sugar
  • ● Puts sugar on EVERYTHING
  • ● Is scared of Heavy Metal Music

profile html by Hukiolukio