Yukari Kouseki (Katsuki x Yukari)



Detailed Description

  • Pairing Name || Katsukari | Bakukari
  • Katsuki to Yukari || "Wannabe Comedian", "Weirdo", "Kouseki" (after starting to respect her), "Yukari" (later)
  • Yukari to Katsuki || "Bakugou-kun", "Katsuki" or "Katsu" (sometimes)
  • Age difference || Katsuki: 15-16; Yukari: 15-16
  • Height difference || Katsuki: 172 cm; Yukari: 161.5 cm (10.5 cm)
  • Gender || Katsuki: Male; Yukari: Female
  • Zodiac || Katsuki: Taurus; Yukari: Sagittarius

This is a detailed description of Katsuki's and Yukari's relationship development. If you are not interested in OC x Canon relationships
I suggest you to not read it. Please keep in mind and respect that all of this is how I interpret Katsuki. Of course other people can have different opinions about him or imagine him acting differently and that's okay. However, this is about my OC and my ideas, hence my interpretation.

Early Beginnings


Because of Yukaris easy-going and bold personality she did not hesitate to approach Katsuki on their first day at U.A. However, he was not interested in talking to her and either ignored the girl or told her off whenever she tried to make him laugh with one of her jokes. Despite Katsuki saying that her jokes are one of the worst ones he ever heard and mockingly calling her 'Wannabe Comedian' because of it, Yukari remained unfazed. It irritated him that she didn't feel insulted at all. He wouldn't show it though and just growl while telling Yukari to finally get out of his way to find another person whom she can annoy.

Nonetheless, Yukari started to make some sort of challenge out of it after having talked to Katsuki for a few times - to befriend him and come up with jokes and remarks which will even cause someone like him to laugh. It may seem like she only interacts with Katsuki for her own entertainment, but in fact she is genuinely interested in the blonde.

Developing Friendship

⇀ End of Season One


Despite Yukari's teasing having always been playful and harmless, Katsuki would still become angry at her. Yukari on the other hand doesn't feel intimidated whenever the boy threatens to kill her and faces him with an amused grin instead. This caused the two of them to bicker with each other. Katsuki only calmed down after Yukari apologized for her teasing, honestly telling him that she never had the intention to make fun of him and to not take her teasing personally.

They didn't interact much with each other until the event in the U.S.J. Arc where they ended up in the same battle zone as Eijirou Kirishima and fought against the villains together. Katsuki was surprised to see how serious Yukari can be and that she is not just the cheerful jokester he always sees in school. Upon noticing her bravery and determination to fight the threat off, he developed a bit of respect for her and saw the pink-haired girl in a different light.

⇀ Season Two

Yukari kept interacting with Katsuki, but was patient and didn't pester him. It can be said that she was intrigued of him due to his strong determination and passion to become the best hero in the future. In addition the girl is fond of his ambition, intelligence and willpower, as she values these character traits very much.

Even though Katsuki is that violent and short-tempered it didn't stop Yukari from talking to the boy, finding it exciting to interact with him, causing every single one of her friends to question her sanity. Moreover Yukari was sure that Katsuki had his reasons for being that way. She truly wanted to understand him and his personality better, thinking that there is more than meets the eye and that everyone deserved a chance.
After some time Katsuki noticed that Yukari does try to be genuinely nice to him as well, as there are moments where she would not crack any jokes and talk to him in a friendly, but sincere tone instead of a sarcastic one. He slowly grew to their interactions, knowing that his rude demeanor and use of language was never getting to her.


⇀ Season Three


At some point Katsuki and Yukari went home together while having conversations about heroes, video games and fighting among others things.
While spending time during the Forest Training Camp Arc; for example when cooking together, they held various conversations and realized that they share the same opinion more often than expected. Both of them think that an hero should always give his all and never do half-hearted things. Nevertheless Yukari is not scared of disagreeing with Katsuki when they do think differently about something, always being confident enough to state her own opinion.

When Katsuki got abducted by the League of Villains during the Hideout Raid Arc Yukari immediately joined Eijirou, Izuku and the others to help them rescuing him. Her reason was that one can not always rely on the pros and that she is unable to just do nothing. After Yukari saw that Katsuki was safe, she felt beyond relieved, not even bothering hiding it. Because of this event the girl also realized how scared she was about losing him.

Katsuki accepted that he liked spending time with Yukari. Due to her feeling comfortable around Katsuki and also trusting him, she started to be more genuine when they were alone. Hiding less behind her jokester-attitude and being her true self instead, Yukari stopped acting as if she was carefree and overly bubbly. Katsuki would notice these things and appreciate it, obviously preferring this side of hers. Thus, he would get angry and frustrated whenever Yukari starts acting like a jokester again, causing him to start an argument.

Despite Katsukis aggressiveness and harsh words he was able to reach out to Yukari. Realizing that she cannot live her acts up, she decided to become more honest with herself instead of always bottling her emotions up. It can be said that Katsuki played a major role in helping Yukari with her inner conflicts, but it is still unclear if he did so due to care or annoyance. At this time Yukari already developed a deeper crush on Katsuki. On the other hand his feelings remain uncertain, but he slowly seems to care more about the pink-haired girl.

Further Development

⇀ Season Four


Will be added soon


⇀ End of Season Four




They only start dating later on, after Katsuki realized that he developed a crush on Yukari and tried to accept that he is attracted to her -- which only happens at the end of their second year at U.A. or even later. Their relationship is casual and not typically romantic. Katsuki appreciates that Yukari is easy-going and doesn't make things complicated for him. She just tells him whenever something is the matter without hesitating. Their 'dates' contain training- and video game sessions, going out to eat, making fun of basically anything possible or just lazing around and relaxing together.

Even after becoming a couple Yukaris jokes and teasing never stopped. Though with the time she became a bit more careful with that to say to Katsuki while in serious situations she avoids teasing him. Katsuki knows very well that Yukari has deep respect for him. After all she proved it many times and still does when it's necessary. This is also the reason why he becomes calmer around her and doesn't mind having her support. Nevertheless this doesn't mean that Katsuki will stop getting angry at her. They still bicker and argue, but it's never anything what would really hurt either of them.



» Yukari genuinely wants to make Katsuki smile or laugh and always tries her best to do so. Usually it's not working out but when it does work out Yukari is even happier about it, causing Katsuki to ask what's wrong with her and getting confused.

» Once Katsuki told Yukari to "go to hell". Yukari grinned in amusement afterwards and replied: "Nah, it's too early to go home yet."

» Yukari saved Katsuki as "Mr. BOMBastic" in her mobile phone's contact list and also used the song as his ringtone, because she thought it would be hilarious. Once Katsuki called her after Yukari lost her phone - and he was not amused at all.
Later on, Yukari put the song "Die Motherfucker Die" from the band Dope as his ringtone, because she thinks that song fits him perfectly. Katsuki seems to be fine with it.

» Whenever Katsuki is complaining about something Yukari will listen to him no matter how often he curses or insults others while doing so.

» Yukari likes to practice fighting with him, as she knows that he will always give his best and not go easy on her. She feels like both of them can benefit from it when training together.

» They like compete with each other; for example when playing video games, and try to beat each others highscores. One evening Yukari randomly sent a SMS to him where she wrote that she beat his highscore. Katsuki could absolutely not accept that defeat so he immediately got out of his bed and walked to her place. He bursted into Yukaris house, slammed the door to her room open, went straightly to the Playstation to play the game (while pouting very angrily) and spent the entire night there just to beat Yukari's highscore so he could be number one again. Yukari sat on her bed while watching him amused and eating popcorn, feeling super entertained.

Little Scenarios


» Yukari once sang out loud when she thought that she was alone in the dorms. However, when she strolled through the living-room while singing loudly she finally realized that she wasn't alone. Katsuki was leaning against the wall and looked up to see where the voice came from. Being embarrassed, Yukari immediately stopped singing and looked at the boy with the most irritated face ever. Katsuki couldn't help it and had to laugh because of her expression since he never saw her like this and it was truly satisfying to see Yukari being absolutely irritated for once. Nonetheless, Yukaris confusion didn't last for a long time since she quickly came up with a comeback.
Their conversation basically went like this:

Yukari: "Oh, guess I finally made you laugh~ See? I'm not a bad comedian at all" to which Katsuki replied with: "Shut your damn mouth. And so what if you made me laugh? Do you want a medal now?"
Yukaris answer was: "Nah, a trophy would be better." Thereafter Katsuki was the irritated one again.

» More to be added