


3 years, 3 months ago



Kanaya tends to stand out as a person. Alongside her lithe, 6’3” frame, her shocking icy yellow eyes and the blue-black hair that sweeps down almost to her knees, she carries herself with a confidence and power that tends to be a little overwhelming to people. Combined with her no-nonsense attitude and direct nature, these things make her a little more than intimidating to people, but those close to her know her as the coolest person around, with an outstanding sense of humor to boot. 

She has never been one to worry much about what people outside of her circle think of her, and though never particularly outwardly affectionate, she cares deeply for the people in that circle. She expresses it through the things she does and is willing to do for them -- including bailing them out of the stickiest of situations even when she absolutely “told them so.” 

She has a bit of a hero complex in that respect, although that can mostly be attributed to the powers lent to her by the extraterrestrial half of her parentage, and her resulting “secret” identity as a magical girl. 

Kanaya’s father is a Luminian from the moon Lumanaia, who, during a cross-galaxy diplomacy expedition, fell in love with a human scientist, and married her (after many trials faced by the both of them). For a time he was disgraced because of this, as marrying off-world, although not discouraged, is usually a very regulated process among the nobility; conducted to create alliances and agreements between worlds and thus typically reserved for unions between other members of intergalactic importance. However his sister, still an influential member of the nobility despite her brother’s “folly,” and a force to be reckoned with all on her own, made a vicious case for his name and restored his rank and reputation -- largely out of a desire to meet her niece and be part of her life, as well as to introduce her to her cousin and have them be close as family.