
"Nothing is ever 'right' from the beginning in this world-- you are the one who needs to make what you believe is 'right' your own way."


Alcoholic | Free-will | Clever



English Name: Iris
Japanese Name: Airisu
English Nickname/Alias: Loyal Lass
Japanese Nickname/Alias: ---
Characters: アイリス
Age: 22
Birthday: June 9 (Gemini)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Rigelian
Division: Alm's Army
Starting Class: Cavalier
Love interest: Forsyth
Heroes Titles: Faithful Alcoholic
Mount: Arthur
Voice: ?
Theme: ?

Define Name: Iris means "rainbow" in Greek.

Heroes Description: Faithful Alcoholic- Known as one of the most mature, yet heavy drinker in the Deliverance army, she tends to give life advice to prevent others from having to go through the pain she has to live with. Appears in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. 


  • Wine and ale
  • Sleeping
  • Vegetables
  • Reading


  • Stale food
  • Tight clothes
  • Not being able to drink alchohol
  • Reptiles and amphibians


A mature, but very laid-back heavy drinker who spends most of her time enjoying life to its fullest without making a fuss about it. She has quite a hot temper that does go a bit out of control when majorly angered-- but most of the time, she is cool; calm; and collected. She often talks in sentences that sound like they're slurred together to show her relaxed state of mind and tranquil personality-- that doesn't mean she's drunk like most would assume-- and in sharp cutting clear sentences when she is serious and wants to make her mood clear. To match her tone, her face expression will clarify how she is feeling at the moment very clearly without questions needed to be asked. Though it may not seem like it because of how laid-back and possibly lazy acting she seems to be around everything, Iris happens to be very bright and can think on the spot about what she needs to do despite of being known as "carefree to the point where she'd die on the spot". Iris often speaks in a respectful manner especially towards Alm, though people would think she would be a potty mouth at firsthand because of her terrible drinking habit. Instead, she's quite clean-- until she becomes furious-- and tender towards everyone she gets acquainted with surprisingly enough. She also tends to hand out all kinds of life advice for those in need in a way a loving parent or an older sibling would do out of worry or simply just to help out. According to Iris, she likes to stay relaxed and loose more than anything else because stressing out or being overly energetic is too much work for her as well as having to think about the heavy loads. She really prefers and likes to look at everything in a positive light to help her move on with life, but she knows that life needs a little bit of negativity in order for her to move on with it completely, thus allowing herself to feel depressed according to the situations she may be in-- other than that, she drinks her life away to help cope with her mental pain she has dealt with by herself without a choice. Because of holding it back in for so long, her drinking habit gets worse each day and yet she still refuses to share her pain with everyone else who may worry. All in all, Iris is very renowned to have a motherly behavior towards everyone she has gotten along well with and worries about their safety more than she worries about herself-- her friends and family always come first and she comes after them. It is known that she does not and will not cry in front of anyone-- Iris may know all sorts of expressions in the book to share her mood, but she does not know how to shed tears despite how much she could be hurting by herself inside and no one is aware of it. She has a habit of rubbing her neck when she is uncomfortable.



Peach hair, olive eyes, and fair skin

Iris has long layered hair that reaches a little past her mid-back-- it is pulled over her left shoulder loosely. She keeps her bangs off to her left, but it's pulled back a bit due to her gold lined black and silver headpiece. The headpiece has a dull scarlet cloth hanging off the sides identical to a headdress. Her long bangs curl up towards her cheek while the locks that frame her face reaches to her collarbone.

Iris' outfit consists of a draping dual colored cape of dull blue being on the outside and a dull maroon on the inside lined with a darker maroon for a design. Her armor consists of black and silver lined in gold accents. Around her shoulders is her cape wrapped around her neck loosely and draping over onto her left shoulder comfortably-- the back of it is seen bunched up in multiple ways to create an uneven look to it with the right side being longer than the left. Her black and gold lined shoulder guards cover her shoulders with the left side being much smaller and flatter to stay hidden under her cape-- the ends of it slightly curve up narrowly and on the sides are colored silver. Iris wears a black breast plate that leave her stomach bare, but protects the front of her rib cage. The sternum is covered up in layers of silver and gold armor to strengthen the area of protection. The sides of her hips are also covered in gold accented black and silver segmented armor-- holding up all her armor are dull brown belts decorated with silver buckles. Going with the red theme, her tall maroon boots decorated in gold reach up to her knees and are also covered in armor-- black and gold knee guard, shin guard, and short black armors are present to cover her feet with the front having a silver arch to decorate her a little. Iris wears a beige colored collared dress with large puffy sleeves tucked into her black, gold, and silver cuffs and a tan loose sleeveless dress that bunches up from the right down to the left. Her beige dress is decorated in gold around the sleeves, her waist and the left side of her dress-- the right side is slit open from her hips down with her armor covering it up. At the bottom of her dress are frills from her bunched up skirt and a dark tan ribbon to keep her dress bunched up. She wears brown gloves to help her keep her grip on her weapons.



Iris was born in the year of 380 in the Valentian calendar and the year of 585 in the Arcanean calendar. As a middle classed young girl, Iris often ran around her house and played with her younger brother to keep him company while their parents worked at a self-stocked stall to sell their handmade goods in the capital of the empire in Rigel. Her parents were craftsman specialized in creating weapons and armor, so they were usually busy working hard to craft the goods for the Rigelian soldiers for future battles and patrols thus resulting to not spending much time with or even for their kids. Eve and Allen often collapsed in their bed to sleep once they get home from work out of exhaustion which leaves Iris and her little brother, Colin, to care for each other. This sadly continues to repeat everyday until they have a single day off where they try to make the most of it. Iris would cook for the entire family and do all the housework at the age of five a little before Colin was born, thus getting her to grow up too early even when her mother was bed ridden with her baby brother. She always appreciated all of her parents' hard work to keep them in a house with supplies to use and survive on. Throughout her life, Iris has never made personal contact with any of the royals and nobles at her young age and always stayed away when she had to head out for ingredients or supplies to quickly finish the task. It soon changed once she-- who was now age six during the time of the news-- was told by her parents that her father had promised the Emperor of Rigel his eldest child to keep watch of his son, Albein, in the very future when a full war will be waging on through fury of both kingdoms' people. Rudolf's requests met up with what Iris' had to "offer" perfectly and her parents were very well-trusted by the king thus the agreement formed in an instant out of respect of both parties and without her needed consent-- this does not require combat history or pre-knowledge for he wanted to build a loyal guard and right hand man out of a person who cared deeply for what is to come. She was then asked to be presented and introduced to the infant she was tasked to swear loyalty to and their mighty ruler, Emperor Rudolf, the next day before the infant was sent off with Mycen.

Her family was the only one aware of who Albein really was, how to locate him, his status, and his engraved future thus securing her new position of being Alm's loyal watchdog as he leads an army to victory and peace during the future war. Not understanding the meaning of her task very well, Iris simply shrugged it off and continued living her usual life with Colin until a Rigelian soldier soon paid a visit to her home and had requested to bring her to the kingdom to train her hand at swords art for decades to come thus separating her from her family further-- she was now given a new life and a new purpose away from her old one nor was she even allowed to sleep at home. Torn away from Colin and leaving him to take care of himself, Iris grieved about her fate, but remained diligent as to help her family grow and remain proud after getting a hint of what she was now going through.Training was more than harsh every day on her body but she continued to build up her strength through swords for years as well as her comfortable form of weapon, the lance. As Iris matured further than she needed to in her current age and body, she grew to understand what her parents meant about her father promising her to the emperor for an important position she was fated to task and must take. Her treatment at the castle certainly wasn't terrible-- in fact, she was surprisingly enough treated like a daughter by Rudolf, but she was-- eventually in the future-- frowned upon by Rudolf's nephew, Prince Berkut, for her existence in the empire. Though she wasn't a noble nor a villager, Iris was taught to be more of a noble as she remained in the castle-- the emperor happened to favor her family for always supplying the army with many sturdy weapons and armor thus for all the fortune she happened to be living in and the amount of money her parents earn for their constant hard work that goes towards the empire. Though she often runs into Berkut in the castle, she never really interacted with him as they grew up but merely help serve him with a few favors he requests from her. He grew up to look at her as an eyesore oddly enough and she didn't mind much about whatever he could've thought of her as. As her training continued until the age of twenty-two, Rudolf finally decided to send her off to look for his son and aid him in his journey that he may or may not be seeking for at their current time. Worried about his bold act for the war, Iris hesitantly accepts the mission knowing what she had to do and what the result may be once his goal is met. Sensing her worry, the ruler reassures her that the decision was for the better of the world and needed to be done to end the Age of Gods-- she would also be fulfilling his goal he dearly held for his son, Albein, as a bonus.

Starting from the heart of Rigel's lands, the cavalier traveled over to Zofia's lands in hopes of finding a young hero that she was requested to seek for and help him out in his journey throughout Valentia. Because she was personally assigned as his right hand man from the very beginning by Rudolf, Iris was told to keep the fact away from Alm and let the events fall into its place with her intervening when it is necessary. This allows Alm to figure out his own life and what his true enterprise set for him was from the day he was born by himself. It took weeks for Iris to find him and she felt as if she had already failed Rudolf for not being able to find Alm, but did not give up from something as simple as that. She was always seen staying in one village to another during the nights and offering her hand in any task they needed in return for their hospitality or camping outside in safe areas she could find to hide from her enemies and rest. Though it was what she had to do, she did not enjoy it the slightest, but continued on for the sake of her sworn oath to Rudolf and even one-sidedly to his son. As she traveled down a path to another area one day, the cavalier managed to spot an army nearby her keeping watch which caused her to panic from the thought of being followed and eventually pounced at because of her unease. Recognizing the leader of the group they named the Deliverance, Iris quickly stops struggling and stares at Alm, believing he was the one she needed to find. Finding it odd that she was never trying to fight back in the first place, the group releases her and earns her apology which hey all return back to her only to hear what she had to say next. The young woman then joins Alm's army to continue her task in serving him and fulfill the rest of her mission she was given to see through without having anyone else suggest to her or agree to it. Throughout their travels, Alm eventually grows suspicious about her affiliations because of her constant disappearance during their breaks and at night when really she rather sulk over the thought of her family and eventually the future that was decided for the King of Rigel by herself. It is eventually revealed to Alm that Iris was the one helping Rudolf fulfill his goals and to lead his son to him in order to kill him in a battle-- Alm happened to be a little upset to hear that Iris had intentions for him to kill his father, but accepted it nonetheless because his father had longed for the day to see his son become the hero of Valentia.



Traveling alone from Rigel and under the order of the enemy ruler, Iris was asked to seek for the one hero she was tasked to look after when the time has come. It had been weeks ever since she had departed the empire to look for this specific young man-- hair green and bears a vital mark on the back of his left hand, the brand of Duma. During her travels, Iris had ran into many battles with brigands and even both Zofians and Rigelians who happened to run havoc around her areas of search. During the nights, she either camps out or stay in a village and help those in need for their hospitality, but even so she felt as if her journey was at stake of becoming a failure for not being able to find the prince. Eventually, the Deliverance encounters her out in the open as she continued her long exhausting search for the young man-- the group happened to mistaken her as an enemy roaming around and guarding the area rather than anything else and jumped to a different conclusion. Though with their false thinking at hand, the Deliverance were told to be quick and try to stay out of her sight, or knock her out before trouble looms in. With the feeling of being watched, the young woman looked around and grasped the sight of the army which prompts Alm's group to quickly captured her with little no harm and, out of instinct, cause her to fight back from their grasp and try to flee despite being alone. Moments after struggling her way out of combat with no intentions to hurt anyone and with a few attacks landed on her-- not enough to kill her or knock her out-- Iris suddenly stops and gape at who she was standing before only to have her knocked off her mount, Arthur, and pinned only to be revealed innocent. In an instant, Iris bows and apologizes to Alm and requested to see his left hand uncovered-- this caused him to become flustered and apologize back for their cautious behaviors before showing his brand to her. She was quick to accept his apologies nonetheless and goes onto vaguely explain what she was doing out in the path and saying her vows to protect Alm from that day on which prompts Gray and Tobin to tease him a little for having a young woman like her suddenly swear loyalty to him. Onward, she follows the Deliverance with Alm as his supposedly right hand man as she was meant to be in order to carry out her duty for Rigel's emperor.

Possible Endings


If Forsyth, Clive, and Python are alive-- .

If Clive is dead and Forsyth is alive-- .

If Python is dead and Forsyth is alive-- .

If Forsyth is dead-- .


If Forsyth, Clive, and Python are alive-- Iris decided to remain in Zofia Castle after Forsyth asked for her hand in marriage before she could leave for her trip back home. Smiling at the thought of having such a dedicated man with her, the young woman accepts his offer and remains with him for the rest of her life. In the suggestion of her new husband, Iris only serves the kingdom whenever she is called for that way he can keep her safe.

If Clive is dead and Forsyth is alive-- Iris marries Forsyth and stubbornly joined the One Kingdom's Brotherhood of Knights alongside him in order to support him in his time of needs despite the man telling her not to for her own safety. She was seen to be the most kindhearted young woman with a strong attribute added to the army.

If Python is dead and Forsyth is alive-- Iris joined the One Kingdom's Brotherhood of Knight's to accompany her newly found interest, Forsyth. Though she didn't want to listen to him at first, Forsyth decided to go to the borderlands and told Iris to stay back at the kingdom and wait for his return in which she did, but no one ever heard from him again.

If Forsyth is dead-- Iris returns to Rigel Empire to continue her services of Alm from afar, but a single lingering feeling despairs her from within without her consent. A few months later, Iris has fallen deeper into deprivity and disappears without a word to be said. Many believed she had a tragic end, drinking her way out of her troubles and falling ill which eventually led to death.

Class Sets


Cavalier- Promotes to Paladin to Gold Knight to Skogul

Villager- Promotes to:

  • Mage- Promotes to Priestess to Enchantress
  • Pegasus Knight- Promotes to Falcon Knight to Harrier
  • Cleric- Promotes to Saint to Exemplar


  • Alm
  • Forsyth
  • Lukas

Passive Support

  • Conrad
  • Faye
  • Leah
