
3 years, 4 months ago


Name Kip
Aliases Great Sage, Darker/Darkest Lord, Ex-Darker/Darkest Lord
Age 27-29, 49
Birthday ...
Race Mii
Region Neksdor
Role Great Sage, Darker Lord, Darkest Lord
Wait. This monster doesn't have a face on it. It's of no threat to us, save that precious energy for your final challenge.

The Great Sage is a name known far and wide across Miitopia. He is a travelling Mage that wanders region to region, helping guide lost souls and resolve conflicts. Many have been taught by him, and many consider him as like a father. Although he is a Jewel Mage, a nearly extinct practice, he still wears his jewels proudly on his persons and dares anyone who opposes his way of magic to come and take them. While he is merciful and gentle, his lightning is not to be doubted in the slightest.

After sacrifcing himself to save Viola, he became the Darker Lord. While strong enough to initially resist the Dark Curse, he couldn't resist the mutations, and his mind was soon overrun. With his conscience sealed away, he was powerless to weaken the Curse from the inside like Janson could. His body was further mutilated when he transformed into the Darkest Lord, until he became the very sun.

Following the events of the main story, he helped Viola look after the Reborn, taking care of him for the first two years of his life until Viola was ready to take over as his mother. When the time came and neither of them returned from Otherworld, he was the first who knew Viola had finally succeeded in breaking the curse, and that both of them can rest peacefully among the stars.

  • Helping Others
  • Children
  • Travelling
  • Inconsiderate Pricks
  • Violence Without Reason
  • Karkaton

Early Life

Not much is known about Kip's early life. He was born and raised in Neksdor, before he sought out the Jewel Mines to become a Jewel Mage. He chose to specialize in Lightning magic, and while laughed at for being a talentless Neboor, came out on top of his class, exceeding even the teacher in strength.

Collapse of the Jewel Mines and Birth of the Great Sage

Many years had passed and he himself was now a teacher in the Mines, and had met his wife, Jaida. While out on a scouting trip to find a suitable outpost for the growing Greenhorne Royal Guard, he was met with news that the Mines had collasped as an attack by the Elven Mages, and hurried back to find the place in ruins. Among the rubble was his wife, crushed under rocks and scaffolding, along with those she tried to rescue. Now without a home and without a family, Kip took to travelling the world, looking for a new purpose in his life. And thus, became the Great Sage, teacher of many all across Miitopia.

Fate of the Great Sage

Kip had met with Viola several times on her travels, each time impressed by the numerous stories of her feats. While he only felt he needed to guide her on the right path to defeating the Dark Lord, he soon found himself travelling alongside her in Karkaton, training her and helping rescue all 9 teammates.

It pained him to have to leave her behind, as he had grown close to her as if she was his own daugther, but he still stuck around the castle. When he saw the flashes of light from the tallest tower, he knew the Dark Lord had been defeated, and rushed to the top, only to find a distracted Viola about to become posessed by the Dark Curse. Without hesitation, he lept forward and grabbed the child's hand before it could grab Vio's, and began to transform into the Darker Lord.

With his mind sealed away, he was powerless to stop the Dark Curse as it continued it's reign of terror, this time armed with his lightning abilities. The Darker Lord fled to the Skyscraper and through to Otherworld, leaving behind a distraught Viola, a broken, beaten down team, and a greatly weakened Ex-Dark Lord.

The Darkest Hour

The Darker Lord waited up in Otherworld for Viola to finally catch up to him. He saw that she and her team had come transformed, becoming ultimate versions of themselves, but would it really be enough to stop him? Viola and her team weren't the only ones with ultimate forms...

Shining light engulfed the realm, and the Darker Lord vanished, leaving only three rings behind. The smallest of the rings became a hand. The middle-sized of the rings became another hand, this time wielding the Great Sage's staff. And finally, the largest of the rings became the Darkest Lord. Having absorbed the power of the very sun, Miitopia down below was plunged into total darkness, and he became a divine being. At the very center of this new being, was the Darker Lord's original body, housing Kip's inactive conscience.

Horrified, Viola's team took in the sight, knowing that this was their final opponent. The fate of everyone in Miitopia hung on this very battle.


Design Notes
  • He's not Ghontuan, he just doesn't have pupils like normal.
  • On the rare occasion his hair is down, it's very fluffy, and doesn't lay straight at all lol.
  • His eyes sometimes leak black liquid in his Darker Lord form. As the Darkest Lord, his eyes are fully black, and black leaks constantly from them.
  • Darker Lord's sun pieces are silver, while Darkest Lord's pieces are gold.
  • He's babey.
  • Because he spends so much time with Viola and the Reborn, many mistake the two as a couple. He has to clarify that Viola is more like his daughter and the Reborn is his grandchild.
  • Lightning isn't the only skill in his arsenal. His staff is doubles as a concealed sword, and his swordsmanship is just as great, if not better than his lightning magic.
  • Those jewels on his belt aren't just for decoration either. One of them is a Healing stone, meaning he has a passive healing ability. Stand near him long enough, and any cuts you may have had will be gone in minutes.
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