


6 years, 11 months ago


A mish-mash of human parts.  (ALL colors on him are natural skintones)

Enjoys outdoor sports, things like basketball, volleyball and soccer.  Really relaxed, a friendly but not loud. Wears a lot of shorts and easy to move outfits. Prefers warm weather.


Things you cannot see with current refs:

Down his arms they switch when it hits the elbow (right sight goes dark, left goes light) The colors will be the same as the shoulders of the opposite arm.

His right leg is dark skinned from mid thigh down and has vitiligo. (Same color as the Left Shoulder)

His left leg gets a tan (think medium tan latino) at the knee down.

His left hand is light skinned like his arm (is connected to the arm portion), and has three olive skinned fingers (Pointer, Middle and Pinkie)

His right hand is VERY pale "white" with two fingers the same color as his torso (Middle and Ring)

His feet are both medium "white" with a yellowish tint (think warmer skintones), all toes are the same color as the feet.