Harukawa Tooru (starpro! Tooru)



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Can change his body (full or its parts) into other people`s bodies. Also, he got their power. He has to know this person.


Harukawa Tooru is one of the main characters. Member of the group "heroes", whose goal is to defeat . She looks morally exhausted. Seems like she makes every effort to save people she cares about.

Star vessel type accumulating
ability core type existential
ability force ◆◆◆◆◆
stardust costs ◆◆◆◆◇

Harukawa Tooru

reserved • apathetic • diligent

Name 春川亨
Age 17-19
pronouns 僕ー "boku"
Affiliation "heroes"
Birthday 7/04(Aries)
MBTI ENFP (7w6) sang
Occupation ?
Status alive
Voiceclaim 天月(Amatsuki)

STAR ABILITY Rin can make illusions of different forms and sizes. Her ability is considered to be the one of the most powerful abilities as it`s related to the creation. Her ability has a huge usage and usually used to:

  • make a big illusion that represents separate reality, Rin called it "her world"
  • a lot of little illusuon created to confuse opponents, used in the fights
  • transfer others to her realities for saving or trapping purposes
  • and a lot more
Rin`s ability require a lot of stardust and can`t be use for a long time. Using her ability often lead to nosebleeding, overstrain and even faint.

ADDITIONAL (RECEIVED) STAR ABILITY the ability to know the location of something/someone. Information just appears and visualize in her mind. It`s received ability, so it requires a lot of energy and the ability itself is weaker since she is not the original owner.

  • has soft spot for the weaker ones, tend to stand for defenceless, though being not that strong physically. Heroic by the nature or because of her fate.
  • apathetic and hides feelings even from herself. In fact, she is scared and need safe space, but if Rin admits it she`ll sure break down.
  • partly because of her ability (and bc of her character, and the trauma) dissociates a lot.
  • Her weakest spot is people - she does`t really know how to properly communicate with others and opens up only to people she know enough tong time.
  • AU! Rin aesthetic board
  • sleep
  • rain and haze
  • milk
  • music
  • RPG maker horror games
  • peaceful times
  • liminal spaces
  • adults
  • crowds
  • hot weather
  • being screamed at
  • people want to take away someone/something precious to her

From the early childhood Rin was in the Laboratory, one of a lot of star children, which were used as lab rats to make a strong ability-user, that will work for the benefit of tha Laboratory. There she met Fuyuhiko, they were close to each other as two children who has the most power potential and were ready to be laboratory`s weapon in the future.

The years after Rin succesfully escaped from the labortory, got into the outer world - in Mitsuhara and started to live in the streets and abandoned houses.

Unfortunaly, lab workers began to pursue Rin, trying to get her back (or kill her). To rid of the chase and to save other star kids from experiments she set a goal to destroy the laboratory and the whole part of government that trying to use star people. She meets the other part of "heroes" and the adventure begans there.

"Heroine" is me. The only me that has the right to exist.