Veronica Garcia (Time Skip/Older Veronica)



2 years, 6 months ago



Veronica - Chronurgy Wizard
Veronica Garcia
Arcadia Oaks, California
20 years old
5'5" (165cm)
Cats, Hamsters, Family and Hot Cocoa
Hisirdoux's Apprentice and partner

Variant Human
Staff at GDT Arcane Books
Female - She/Her
Raw Tuna and her privacy being invaded
The wonders of Camelot never cease to amaze me

Where From


D&D Tales of Arcadia!Camelot (Homebrew session)

Family & School

Veronica lives with her parents in Arcadia Oaks and her little baby brother. Her mom, Monica is running for town mayor again after her little sibling, Adrien was born. Her father, Hector is a jack of all trades and is the loveable loaf in the family. Ukiel is Veronica's next door neighbor and her god-parent. She goes to the local Arcadia Oaks High school and is in her sophomore year. In her freshman year, Veronica was always the curious cat and made friends with Lucas, Byron & Nova in her class, and the transfer students Aja, Krel, Ceraya from Cantaloupia & Samuel from Texas. Together they all made the Occult Society Club with Ukiel supervising.

Life in the World of Magic


Previously in her freshman year, noticing strange occurrences, she decided to investigate. Upon trying to stake out and catch evidence of strange creatures, goblins living in the city, she found herself meeting a local wizard and cat. Since then she's been at GDT book store, under an internship, cleaning the store and learning some spells with her teacher, Hisirdoux Casperan and wizard associate, Archibald.

Design Details

height: 5'5" (165cm)
eye color: Violet/Amethyst
hair color: Dark blue & electric blue
class: Chronurgy Wizard
title: Hisirdoux's Partner
arcane focus: Enchanted Bracelet/Shadow Staff
  • Her hair is a dark purple/blue with neon/electric blue dip dye highlights
  • Her arcane focus is on her left wrist, glows neon blue when using magic
  • As a chronurgy wizard she focuses on time related magics
  • Veronica usually has a sparkle in her eyes when researching/exploring


Fun Facts

↳ Her favorite spells are Misty Step, Temporal Shunt, Rainbow Bunny Burst, Flock of Familiars and Chronal shift.

↳ Gravida montes dis odio dapibus elit vulputate turpis egestas suscipit.

↳ Est rutrum nibh nostra massa arcu proin, per convallis hendrerit.

If anything happens to him, I will cry

After a good few months, the two have finally confirmed their relationship with one another as partners. Douxie is overprotective of Veronica when she goes off on her own adventures (especially with what happened at the Dark Lands) and she is the same way to him. Now that Douxie has passed his role as guardian to Stein, he has just been enjoying his life with his loved ones and helps Veronica with any research she does.

After what she's gone through, I'm happy things turned out for the better

Veronica spent several days to research a way for Morgana to still be able to talk to her since she is stuck in the shadow realm and through her familiar can Morgana talk to the others. As much as Morgana dotes on Veronica, (but she doesn't tell her) she has become quite the guardian to Veronica and has even helped teach her how to use the Shadow Staff in a more proficent way. After talking to Douxie, Veronica now makes plans to help unseal Morgana from the shadow realm to live the free life she was meant to live.

I won't say that I miss them... but I really do. I'm happy that they're back and visiting again

After the fight for the darklands, Ukiel left to go on their own journey. Knowing how much of a free soul Ukiel is, she didn't want to stop them from their goal and Veronica waited for the day Ukiel returned to Arcadia Oaks. In the back of her mind during their absence, she thought of going on a trip several times to try finding Ukiel and see how they've been. When Ukiel came back to Arcadia Oaks, Veronica was delighted that they were back and was happy to catch up with them.

╢Neighbors/Bestest of Friends╟
He's like the older brother I wish I had but also happy he isn't

Lucas ended up moving into Mr.Kudo's house next door with his granny and became Veronica's neighbor in the prossess. The two have often been busy with their own respective duties but have been enjoying each other's company again at the local college. She won't say it but she always welcomes Lucas's company and dearly enjoys it.

╢Mentor/Voice of Reason╟
I'm happy Alex enjoys my antics when we're together

Alexandria is always there to keep Veronica in line, especially when she decides to look into dangerous magics. Although Alex keeps Veronica away from Stein's hoard they freely open up the library to where Douxie is for her. After getting to know Veronica more since the first time she stepped foot into the library, Alex grew to enjoy the small girl's energy.

I can't help but get the feeling that Stein is like my mother-in-law who's always judging me... might just be my imagination

Stein, Alex and Archie were one of the first to point out Veronica's and Douxie's relationship but he was more judgemental on why it took so long. Although he grunts and usually doesn't enjoy Veronica's antics, he still watches over her since he knows Douxie, will be upset if something were to happen to her. Thankfully Alex keeps nosy Veronica away from his hoard in the library.

╢Research Buddies╟
You don't know how excited I was to learn Soul was from Camelot. We usually exchange stories when he visits

Veronic and Soul have very similar love lives, as in the sence that they are r/woosh to anything and everything their partners do. These two hopeless romantics do enjoy each others company in telling magical stories that they've encountered on their journeys. Besides the romance and story telling, when the two start researching, it is a sight to behold as they go non stop to find what they're looking for.

╢Magic Buddies╟
Now that we're older, Byron makes so many amazing mechanics! I wonder what he's going to invent next

Byron after high school stayed at Hex Tech to help out his sister Zoe and Bertha. Luckily, this meant that Veroncia could still come over to visit him and Zoe for when she wants to skip out on work. Although they don't meet as often givine their respective jobs, she's happy that he's still close in the town but is a bit jealous that Byron and Stein get along better than her and Stein.

╢Space Buddies╟
I swear if Ceraya, Aja and/or Krel don't invite me to Akiridian-5 soon, I will find a way to teleport over and visit

Ceraya is off an on Earth several times within the years so Veronica's way to contact her is through Krel who stayed behind on Earth. Usually Veronica would visit Ceraya's place to catch her up on what's been happening as well as to check in on Aja. Sadly, whenever Ceraya arrives and leaves it's not on a set schedule and she doesn't say in advance so Veronica relies on randomly visiting to see them.