pounce / f2u html's Comments

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Hey! What are the two broken things in the bottom right? I assume they're images that aren't working but what size photo is recommended for those spots?

using here! thank you for sharing your codes!

gonna try to use :3


aa this looks so good,,, I'm totally using ^^

using <3

Using this!! This is so pretty,, Tysm for making this and making it ftu! Have an amazing week!

using thanks so much for making it!

thank you for using!!! <3

i'm using that! tysm!

thanks so much for using! ^^

THIS LOOKS SO FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD TO SEE UR CODES AGAIN :^Dcc

AAAA TYSM!!! hoping and praying that i stick with it :'DD!

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THANKS SO MUCH! i love fun popping colors! :D