Copy Cat



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Brooke Pierce


Copy Cat






Female (She/Her)






Absorb weaker versions of other people's powers




Brooke gained her powers by absorbing a dying scientist’s superpower. She doesn’t usually elaborate much further, but the scientist’s work lives on in Copy Cat.

She was initially a vigilante, stopping low level crime in her home district. That is, until she was discovered by a member of team A, who referred her to join the team properly.

Her test was a bit less impressive than she hoped, but Firearm saw potential in her, and assigned her to team C. There, she hopes to refine her strengths and minimize her weaknesses in the hopes of moving up to team B someday… if not team A.

Copy Cat is a less popular hero when compared to the superstars of team A, but she’s got a lot of outspoken fans. It’s common to see maybe one or two Copy Cat cosplayers at a convention… with extremely detailed cosplays, at that. She thinks it's cute!

Brooke Pierce is a nobody. She’s a highschooler who gets average grades. She’s involved in the yearbook, but no one really knows her that well. She’ll be lucky to get into a decent college, but there’s no way she can make it to those high level schools everyone constantly talks about.

Truth is, Brooke is caring for her sick grandma while working at a drive-thru to help her parents pay the bills. She goes home to a tiny house from the 60s crammed between a giant apartment complex and a sketchy gas station. One of the most common things to hear about people she knows is “they’re in rehab again” or “they got arrested last night”.

Brooke Pierce is a nobody, but she hopes that Copy Cat will one day be the hero everyone looks up to.

Power Absorption: Brooke is capable of absorbing and mimicking the powers and skills of anyone she touches. She can only copy one skill or powerset at a time. The powers and skills will reflect the initial raw power, without training. If a power is or initially was uncontrollable, Brooke will either copy the uncontrollable aspect or copy a much weaker version of the power. If Brooke trains with certain powers (for example, flight), any absorbed power that is similar will be stronger as well. Theoretically, she can train herself to be equal to the person with the powers she is copying.

Skill Retention: Brooke retains trace skills (not superpowers) that she absorbs. For example, if she copies a great scientist’s knowledge, she may retain a portion of the periodic table without studying.