


2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Garrett Gallagher








Titanium Bones, Flight, Super Strength




Peaceful solutions, working with kids, Classic Team A, team bonding activities, cooking for others


Unnecessary fighting, getting compared to other heroes, being in charge, his body


Football, social media, movies, car spotting, local events, collecting comics + comic memorabilia


Funnily enough, Retriever was born with titanium bones and flight. It’s the super strength that is artificial.

Garrett was a high school football star due to how much he could withstand, and was regarded as one of the best high school linemen in the state. Not a single meaningful injury despite how rough he would be (and how rough the other team would be on him).

He was gearing up to go into med school, though he planned to play college football and see where that career would take him. His choice to pursue a CNA certification set him apart from most of his teammates, though no one dared to poke fun - especially since he kept most of the team from injuring themselves during workouts. 

He discovered his strange bone structure at the age of 17 when he went through a TSA metal detector and set off the alarms over and over. He was quickly moved to testing, where his powers were discovered- his bones are a near-indestructible titanium alloy (though it's widely known as only titanium). However, his “indestructible” nature was seen as missing “something else”. Against his parent’s (and his own) consent, the EIDA put him through an intense surgery that replaced his natural muscle with artificially enhanced muscle tissue. It was a painful recovery, but eventually his body adjusted to the sudden extra mass and power. He spent quite a few years as a solo hero with Agency support, working in a city with a decently high rate of weaker supervillains. When they were all put away, he was told he was going to be transferred to the Force base. 

He was put in Team A without any prior notice. He didn’t have to test, nor did they provide any footage. Retriever was simply put in Team A- much to the team leader’s chagrin.

A popular public figure, Retriever is a bodybuilder’s idol. He’s been offered to be the spokesperson for countless athletic-related products and programs. He’s had dozens of interviews across dozens of media outlets. He steals the spotlight from much of Team A. Many people incorrectly assume he’s the leader to-be. In truth, he has no real interest in leading. He considers himself a support-type hero and prefers to use his strength and resiliance to take hits and do the heavy lifting that lets other heroes land the final blow or save the civilians.

Garrett Gallagher is a softer spoken but still assertive “government worker” with an undefined job and a love of working out (how else could he explain the Mass?) He has a girlfriend and a couple of hobbies, but he keeps a relatively low profile. Retriever gets way too much attention for a quiet night out, but Garrett only has to deal with the occasional stares.

- Outspoken - Stubborn - Self-Concsious - Genuine - Caregiver - 

Eventually adopts a golden retriever puppy with his partner, Elaine. They name him Spud 💖

He was named after one of his father's uncles! 


Titanium Bones: Retriever's bones are nearly, if not completely, indestructible. 

Flight: Retriever can fly at speeds of up to 60 mph. 

Super Strength: Retriever is capable of lifting up to 150,000 tons, and shattering cement as if it were nothing.