Carmen's Comments

/Slides in I’d love to grab the second one! I’ll either have them be a part of my werewolf storyline I have with my girlfriend and her friends or my mock-warrior clan I have! Both are fantasy settings because I’m not *super* great at drawing ferals but <:uguu:711933369557975121> they’re super cute If they’re a part of the werewolf storyline they’ll definitely end up with a pretty Th code and lots of art because we do art roleplays instead of paragraphs! Probably get the name Aurem and I’ll either make them a female presenting or genderfluid cause I need more ladies in the werewolf pack dhdjdjjd The more I stare the more that’s the line I want to go, so as with all the other werewolves they’ll be cursed! I’m thinking likely they were messing around with some friends trying to do ~cool magic spells~ and stuff ended up getting Pretty Whack (in the traumatizing life changing way) and as one of the few survivors, she got cursed to be a werewolf and had to seek out the pack (they all have an Instinct that draw them together) When shes *not* a wolf-dog she’s just an antisocial punk who pushes everyone away because she’s too afraid of having friends and losing them again (but Alice and Nemo can help with that) They’re also likely to get adopted by Belethezar cause he takes pity on her Specifically because he Too is a sad, antisocial punk afraid of making connections I don’t know if you count my other emoji so I’ll put another dog emoji shjdjd 🐕

<:sad_puppy:459459658214670337> Honestly I’ll use the same story I offered last time cause I’m a sucker for that storyline gshdjdjd

So to recap;; she’ll (mtf) be a young werewolf in a storyline I have with my girlfriend and her friends. As with all the rest, her lycanism is tied to a curse, and her curse was placed on her when she did a spell in the woods with her friends. Young dumb kids messing with stuff more powerful than them and it backfires badly.

From there she’ll slowly make her way to the pack, as they’re all instinctually attracted to each other (for safety and bond alike). My other werewolf who’s much older, Belethezar, will adopt her as he sees a lot of himself in her, and he wants to make sure she has a better like than he has.

So she’ll have a rough past, but will learn and grow from her past, and find safety in the bonds she forms and the family that comes with it <:uguu:711933369557975121>