


3 years, 3 months ago




Name: Miria Belmoort

Alias: ?

Age: Early thirties

Species: Human

Sex: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: ?

Occupation: Butcher

"We'll get through this, with lots of love and elbow grease!"

Miria is a simple lady - born and raised quite poor, she prefers to find joy in the company of others and her work. She grew up with many siblings and therefor had quite the family whilst growing up. With many mouths to feed, they all worked hard and Miria is no exception. She knows how to work well, fast and once the oppertunity came for her to move her butcher-business to the capital, she took it in an instant. With it, she hoped that she could provide better for her family at home, as well as perhaps get some space to start her own life. Working in a new place was hard and Miria hadn't exactly predicted the raging poverty within the capital. While she did not have any blood in her new home, she did quickly become a part of the family of her area.

Despite how rough it could be, Miria has always been quite head-strong. One day, she took notice that the guards of the kingdom tended to pass by a lot. Whilst it was quite normal that they would pall by every now and then, she realized it was the same guards walking past her particular shop a lot. Unafraid of trouble and certain that if they were up to no good that she could defend herself, Miria worried little about it all. So when it escalated to a point where one of the guards would awkwardly shuffle into her shop and approach her, she was rather calm about it. In fact, she was the calmest of the two of them, since before her stood an awkward flustered guard, miserably failing to flirt with her. That man was Obert.

Despite Obert being a bumbling stupid mess of a man when it came to initially interacting with her, he was very genuine and kind. Visit after visit they got used to each other and just clicked really well. Miria was initially not interested in chatting too much, since she had work to do, but Obert in return offered that he could jsut stop by when he was done with his shifts and perhaps help her out. Once they got to know each other, it didn't take long for them to get attached. Miria was very outgoing and blunt, where Obert were very well-manared and perhaps a tad reserved. But in each others company, Miria showed a much calmer relaxed side and Obert were much more willing to adventure and be expressive.

Oberts family, after finding out about his relationship with Miria, were very dissaproving. When Obert had opened up more, Miria had learnt that Obert were actually from a very influential family. And while it didn't matter to her, nor seemingly mattered much to Obert who did not have a close relationship to his family, it was tasking that he now was asked to choose between her and his family. Obert chose Miria, who were the one who had showed him genuine, unconditional love. Oberts fmaily kept pestering and while Obert kept quite the distance to them, he still occasionally helped out. That was until he lost his left hand in a war he participated in - once that happened, most of his family completely tossed him aside.

Miria was there for her husband. Now more than ever, the realization of his fmaily's cruelty started to build up. Only Miria was there to help, there to provide for the both of them, now that he had been casted aside. But they fought through it, eventually got a child, whom they both loved dearly. Miria wanted to have a big family, one as close as the one she had grown up with, however it was not to be. While Obert got to see the pregnancy to an end, and he got to hold his own child once born, Obert never got to watch him grow up, since he would pass away before their child was old enough to remember him.

It was a definite blow to Miria, loosing her husband and the father to their child. Yet with a strong sense of protectiveness and love, she still is an excellent mom. The world was not kind, but Miria hangs in there, hoping that her child will grow up and have a wonderful life, even though she senses trouble ahead.

Important to know for anyone who wants to draw them:

Blood color: Red!


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Miria is loud, bright, smart and head-strong. There's few challenges she's not ready to face. Despite being a widow with a lone child, she is determined to make the best of everything. She's always been a big advocate for treating other with kindness and to be charitable, whihc is a trait she called with herself, even through the times where she had to starve, due to war in hre kingdom. While she can sometimes he very wild and a tad chaotic, her fierce personality mostly stems from her want to do good and to help others. She's very motherly and will protect those who cannot fend for themselves.

Physical Abilities

  • Really good at her job - she's able to continue working continuously with an unmatched dedication and power
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Magical Abilities

  • Catalyst - Miria has one magical ability, that she herself never realized she had her whole life.
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  • Her last name, Belmoort, Is another name for Belmherb, a plant that is known for being evergreen as well as being an excellent preservative when it comes to meat in particular. It has a very destinct and potent smell that creatures with a keen nose can very easily pick up, if they've had previous encounters with it
  • TBA
  • TBA

Significant Relationships

Her late husband

Miria and Obert had a very close relationship, when he was still alive. Though it was hardly love at first sight for Miria, she was easily quite endeared by Obert. For a man that hda to be at least a couple of social ranks above her, he always treated her with great respect and very rarely made a show of his haritage, which Miria appreciated. She's grown up in the dirt and mud herself and while it wasn't always a pretty life, she treassured it greatly. Finding someone who really respected her as an individual and was willing to learn and change themselves for her wasn't something Miria had run into a lot. She helped him grow, become more assertive, support him in his choices and in turn he listened to her, didn't berate her and cared deeply for her. He always let her know that he loved her. After his death, Miria felt quite hollow, hurt and weakened. The loss of her partner really took a toll on her and the only thing that kept her afloat was their child. She misses her husband, but also realizes that she cannot let him down. And though he's not there, she often tell many stories of what a dork and a wonder he was.

Her son

Miria loves her small son above anything else. She'd do most anything for him - now that she's not planning on remarrying or getting more children, all her love and attention will be on her little baby.


Elle is a friend of Miria. Sort of. Perhaps. It's hard to really put into words. They're not on really friendly terms, but Elle has been vaguely looking out for Miria, when possible. Miria realizes that Elle has so much on her plate and she can't really ask anything more of her, so she appreciates the sentiment and attempts to help. They never talked much, but some relationships are simply unspoken. Miria couldn't be more grateful.





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