
Lloyd Kreacher - he/him - 37 - 6'1 - ? - Neutral Evil - No Label
Voice Claim: Pigeon (Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus)

Lloyd is a guy. He's just a dude. He grew up in a small forested town and moved to the city when he was older, becoming a barber and securing himself a nice apartment. From afar he doesn't seem like much, but he's actually an odd individual. He's quiet and docile around those he's not close with, but will let loose his more fun and silly side around his friends. He's very secretive about his personal life, not wanting to hurt or endanger those closest to him. Though he has a lot of friends, he only hangs out with a few of them. He loves to frequent cafes and is often found drinking americanos in the outdoor seating. Despite living in a city, he's still the woodsy type and likes to spend time up in his cabin, maybe or maybe not murdering people. Who knows what he does. He's just a guy! He's basically my dreamboat man so take that as you will.