


3 years, 2 months ago



Name Shenzi
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Gender Male
Race Honey Glider
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Personality Relaxed
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Shenzi is a Honey Glider native to the Lost Kingdom, his family having adapted to the harsh wilderness over many generations in their own unique way. He enjoys drawing and painting, and dreams of having his work displayed in a museum one day. His family scorned his dream and skills, to the point where Shenzi believed that he would be the only one in the world to support his dream, and that he'd have to claw his way up there if he was going to make it a reality. Living in the ancient woods with Mouse has taught him that there are in fact people who believe in his dream, and that he doesn't have to struggle against the world to make it come true. That he has support. It's been a blessing Shenzi forever treasures, like a light in the dark. Mouse had shown him a side of people he had never seen before, and now, he doesn't just draw and paint for himself anymore. He draws and paints for her.


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"Everyone has their true colors. Sometimes it just takes a while to discover yours."

Early Life

Shenzi grew up with his parents and siblings in Granite Cliffside, the only city in the Lost Kingdom with an all-living population. His family was scornful of his dreams to become an artist, constantly belittling him for having such a useless dream and that he would be better off focusing on things that would put food on the table. Eventually, the verbal abuse turned physical, and Shenzi gathered the courage to pack some supplies and run out into the wilds. As a cactus Honey Glider like the rest of his family, Shenzi doesn't need to drink the same amount of water as a normal Honey Glider, as his body is specially adapted to lose as little of it as possible. He still does need to eat, however, and so took up the habit of wandering, moving on as the resources in the area depleted.

Of course, the struggles to survive don't just encompass food and water. Forsaken, angry spirits of fire, would chase Shenzi down as soon as they spotted him, hurling fire in his wake. He learned very quickly how to sneak around without getting caught, as a cactus-based honey glider sticks out like a sore thumb among the ancient forests of the Lost Kingdom. In fact, the hardship made him so good that he often scares the living daylights out of his friend, popping up seemingly out of nowhere beside her. As for Snapper Gliders, any he encountered would immediately come after him with intent to kill. After a few of these encounters, Shenzi ended up taking to using his rabbit-like tail as a mace - no one wants a cactus to the face. No one. And even better, drosera snappers can't touch drain the thing without getting seriously hurt themselves, which further pushes Shenzi into the catagory of 'not worth it'.


Eventually, Shenzi ended up setting up camp in the part of the ancient forest where Mouse lived. Curious as to where the gift in his camp suddenly appeared from, Shenzi ended up spotting Mouse among the trees the next day, though it took him a week to be able to coax her out of hiding. Eventually, Shenzi just sat back and started drawing, letting Mouse's natural curiosity do the work for him. And when he proved that he meant no harm, Mouse stayed longer, and the two ended up hitting it off. Ever since then, Mouse has been his constant companion, the only one he feels truly accepts him for who he is. They wander together, enjoying each other's company and goofing off to pass the time. Shenzi has also taken to Mouse's habit of leaving little gifts in travelers' camps, or guiding them to safety if need be. Given that he's actually harder to spot than Mouse is thanks to his skill in hiding, the two have a playful competition going as to who can put the gifts in the best/funniest position among the travelers at camp. Mouse has drawn in his sketchbook before, and he couldn't help but draw when she decided to use his pencil before it had gotten tiny and stubby to draw with. The sight of Mouse drawing with a pencil as long as she was was just too funny not to record for posterity.



Mouse [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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