


3 years, 4 months ago



You think Rah'dahna a monster? No. It is you who is the monster!
– Rah'dahna, to Bratanos.

Rah'dahna is a khajiit necromancer and the clanmother of a group of vampires. Once an ex-slave to the brutal House Dres, she escaped and found both family and allies. Rah'dahna studies necromancy as a healing source dutifully in her spare time. Looking for new discoveries nobody had found before.


RahTB-removebg-preview.png Image Credit Vexi
EwtKU4DWEAEKe5U?format=jpg&name=4096x409 Image Credit Maria / Skymagpie
Full Name
Other names
Cisgender Female (She/Her)
  • Kahan (Son)
    Rih'nahbi (Daughter)
    Duthiel (Husband)
  • Unknown
Hair Colour
Eye Colour
Amber and brown
Noticable Marks/Traits
  • Very long neck
  • Eyes have distinct spot pattern

Story events

The Background goes here

Story events.

Post events.

Post events here



Rah'dahna is an empathetic, ambitious and headstrong woman. Albiet sometimes a little too trusting if the right words are spoken to her. She loves her family and friends and isn't afraid to call upon them in her times of need and do the same in turn for them. She detests cruelty. Especially people who torment and subjugate. Holding a particular hatred for Dunmer and especially House Dres and Telvanni. Her one want in life is have a family of her own. Free from the torment she endured as a kitten, born and raised in slavery. Rah'dahna carries herself with elegence and grace. For she came from nothing, but now she is something far greater and only continues to grow more powerful as her desire to become stronger does.






Artorius Glockulius

"Artorius...Thank you...For everything, my brother."
Rah'dahna considers Artorius a brother, while they are not biologically related, the gift of his vampiric bloodline made the two siblings by clan-right. At first Rah'dahna was very nervous around Artorius, finding his oldly controlling behavior akin to her old abuser. This was reflected in seemingly controlling behaviors such as how he wouldn't allow her to go off on her own to find help for Galen. Over time, she realized he did this out of a need to protect her, having lost so many of his own family, he simply feared for her safety due to her history of being an escaped slave.

Eventually he did allow her more independence. Giving her the space she needed to come to terms with her new predicament of being a vampire. However, when Bratanos attacked her new home and abducted her newborn children. Atortius refused to stand aside now. Telling his sister he would stop at nothing to bring their family members home.

Rah'dana is eternally grateful to The Count for all he's done. Atorious eventually bestowed the rank of Clan Mother, to her. Believing that she was a better fit to lead their family, while he was happy to step down and take a more protective, uncle-like role to her children.

Well into the fourth era, Rah'dana continues to value his council on all matters. Mostly dealing with Kahan's behavior. Artorius was loyal to Rah'dahna until the end. Sacrificing himself in hope he could buy Kahan a chance to live when the Harkon's fucko group decide the Khajiit was not worth the trouble of absorbing into their own clan.

Galen Ashawk

"Example quote here"

Galen was fifteen when he first met Rah'dana on Bratanos' plantation. His home in Stonefalls had been raided by slavers and he had been stolen from his family. Rah'dana took him under her wing to calm him and help him come to terms with his horrible situation.

Together, she and Galen plotted their escape, however, when disaster struck and it went wrong Galen was mortally wounded. In a desperate attempt to save him, Rah'dana knew the only way to was the gift of vampirism as well as taking the curse herself so he wouldn't be alone anymore. Afterwards, she became an aunt-like figure to the young breton. Once Galen became his old self again he stuck to Rah'dana like glue. He is much younger than her and sometimes she doesn't understand what on Nirn he's talking about, but she always stands by his side and encourages his strange hobbies... even if he did try to assign her a kintype.

Galen is still apart of the clan in the fourth era.


"Example quote here"

Rah'dahna and Lets-The-Blood are close. She would often seek out the argonian for aid during the first few months of adjusting to vampiric affliction. Lets-The-Blood coached her on how to control the violent urges that came with the blood-fiend stage she and Galen struggled with. Lets-The-Blood acted as a go-between for Rah'dadna and Artorius, knowing that Rah'dana was quite fearful of the Colovian.

It was thanks to Lets-The-Blood the two began to kindle their relationship. Another skill Lets-The-Blood made use of was to track down the minions of Bratanos, one by one. Being a former assassin, she slaughtered them without a hush. With this hoping to weaken the man's personal guard and rescue the young children. Rah'dana has a permanent gratitude to Lets-The-Blood for putting her life on the line for Kahan and Rihna'bi.

Lets-the-Blood fights valiantly against Harkon and his vampires in the fourth era. To protect Rah'dahna and her clan.


"Example quote here"
Kahan is the son of Rah’dahna. She loves her son dearly, but she worries there is a darkness in his heart that is slowly consuming him. His hatred for mortals spawned from a young age. When Sathri Dres cut the end of his tail off. Kahan became traumatized from the event and harbored resentment for mortals. As he got older, he began to see Artorius as the only member of his clan with half a brain Making him and his mother’s relationship very strained over the years. Especially with Kahn's growing belief that Rah'dahna favors Rihnah'bi over him.

Rah’dahna tried with all her might to have Kahan see reason. That one mortal’s actions did not justify all mortals deserving his scorn. But in the fourth era, Kahan sees his chance to finally strike against the mortals. Leaving his birth clan and breaking Rah’dahna’s heart. She hopes one day Kahan will return home.


"Example quote here"
Rihnah'bi is Rah'dahna's daughter. She cares deeply for her, but in the past has disregarded her concerns. Seeing her as too naive to understand the clan's best intentions. Even suggesting she should be more like her brother and be excited for big changes in their lives. Unaware of her son's growing resentment for his twin sister.

After Rihnah'bi is the one to rally a team to rescue Rah'dahna from the Greyhost's control, she deeply regrets not listening to her daughter sooner. From then on always taking her daughter's input into account. In the fourth era it is Rihnah'bi who earns her mother about Kahan having secret meetings with the (Whatever Harkon's lot are called and add this later.)


"Example quote here"
Rah’dahna met Sharp-Fang during the Greyhost’s attempt to rise to power during the 2nd era. The long toothed khajiit now served Rada Al-Saran but she longed to find her old clan again. When Sharp-Fang and Artorius reunited, Rah’dahna was thrilled to have another family member back in the clan.

At first Sharp-Fang struggled to accept Rah’dahna as the new Countess. Not out of spite or malice, but because Artorius had been her count for so long it felt unnatural. Rah’dahna told her she was happy for her to continue referring to Artorius as her count if it helped her resettle into the clan better. Respecting her close bond to the old-clan father.

In the fourth era Sharp-Fang tries to look for Kahan when he regularly went missing for days. This would sadly be her undoing much to Rahdahna's anguish.

Quintus Verres

"Example quote here"
Quintus is one of Rah'dahna's oldest friends. He and Rah'dahna met when she came to the city of Sentinel in search of a necromancer cult she believed could help Galen. She instead mistakenly believed Quintus to be the necromancer as she sensed the powerful magic from his cursed state. At first Quintus betrayed Rah'dahna's trust, using her vampiric state to scare off his landlord and debtors. He soon made things right by rescuing her from the Withered Hand cult and even buying her a dress she had longed for, one she had spotted in a shop window. Selling his own staff to pay for it.

For a time, she became rather infatuated with the Imperial. Upon realizing she didn't love Quintus in a romantic way, they agreed the two should remain friends instead.

Rah'dahna believes she can come to Quintus for any kind of help, even if it's apparent he's little to no knowledge of the issue at hand. She trusts him wholeheartedly and she made him the godfather to her twin children and she is the godmother of his son, Rashaam. She does wish he'd take better care of himself. Between his heavy drinking and lack of regard for his own safety, she worries one day she won't be there to drag him back when death gets its’ hands on her old friend.


"Oh Duthiel is a genius! Look at his wonder works! Rah'dahna is quite a fan of the Vault of doom!"

Rah’dahna first met Duthiel when needing help to design her new hovel in Deshaan. Summoning him based on his fantastic architecture skills. The two got to know one another as he presented his ideas for her home. In which he shared his troubles with three people who stole his livelihood from him in life. Feeling for Duthiel, Rah’dahna accompanied him back to his Vaults of Madness. The two soon grew closer and entered a relationship.

They shared a love for design and aesthetics. Rah'dana had a fondness for his creations, finding them vibrant and expressive. In return Duthiel was thrilled to have found someone who actually understood his work. Soon Rah'dana and Duthiel agreed to start a family together. Rah'dana taking on a surrogate as Dutheil could not have children of his own but still intended to be the adoptive father in their lives. Sadly this was not meant to be, as the Undaunted would come to free Duthiels captives, then cut down Duthiel himself during the time Rah'dana was pregnant.

Failing to resurrect the lich Rah'dana took his body to keep it safe until she could bring her beloved back. In a later attempt to revive Duthiel she enlisted the help of Quintus believing that two powerful necromancers would be successful in where only one had failed. But it went wrong. Duthiel was now just an animated assortment of bones. To which Quintus just suggested they slap his clothes on and call it a day.

Thankfully Rah'dana eventually figured out how to reattach Duthiels flesh and muscles. Well, what remained of them. With the promise she would never ask Quintus for help ever again.

Bratanos Dres

"Bastard! Monster! You've hurt Rah'dahna for the last time!"
If there's one person Rah'dahna feels deserves a thousand deaths, it's Bratanos Dres. Bratanos bought Rah'dahna when she was a child, separating her from her birth parents to never see them again. She was put to work immediately despite her very young age and he seemed to enjoy targeting her especially with his comments and often physical abuse.

Rah'dahna would finally escape Bratanos' clutches. Even leaving the Dunmer with a parting gift, four long claw marks across his left eye. Permanently damaging it. Her troubles would be far from over though. As her old abuser wouldn't take his defeat laying down. Making it his new mission to take away what happiness Rahdahna sought to find and reclaim her as his property. Including having her best friend tortured and almost killed then abducting her newborn twins to keep as his new slaves.

The khajiit made sure that Bratanos never got away with these injustices. Against her, her family or anybody else he'd tormented over his lifespan. Ending his life and oppressive hold on her once and for all.

Sathri Dres

"That woman was something else. Something evil."
Rah’dahna hates Sathrii. Seeing her as a cruel, sadistic and monstrous person. She’d struggle to tell you who was worse; her or her brother, Bratanos. Sathri often mocked Rah’dahna during her enslavement. Making fun of her appearance and mannerisms. As Rah’dahna did not always understand if someone was being sarcastic towards her due to her autism.

Sathri tortured Quintus and mutilated her son, Kahan. Rah wanted to be the one to slaughter Sathri for these injustices. Even more so when she discovered the Dunmer’s dark hobbies. Even long after Sathri’s death at the hands of Artorius, Rah’dahna feels the effects of what she did to their family. She hopes Sahtri burns in Oblivion for her crimes against humanity.


  • Trivia goes here