Artorius Glockulius



3 years, 1 month ago



"Mercy...? Who said I was sparing you...?"
– Artorius to Sathri Dres.

At first Artorius was as an arrogant, stubborn, even borderline cruel man. He had little time for those not in his immidiate family, to the point he had been outwardly hostile to strangers. Though he is not without compassion. Taking in Sharp-Fang the Deadly, an outsider, and adopting her into his own clan and helping a wounded Rah'dahna and Galen after recognising them as escaped slaves. Holding a strong mortal code to never take the Dunmer's slaves as prey. Not when their master's make a much finer meal. He has a soft spot for children, enjoying his role as a father-figure to Rah'dahna's children greatly in his later years. Knowing he is a very pshyically imposing man he uses this to his advantage often. Putting the fear of any gods into any who'd dare cross him or his clan.

Artorius Glockulius

78838686_8zdZSPjvUOFuXES.png Image Credit Vexi
glockbkform.png?ex=658c975b&is=657a225b& Image Credit Vexi
Full Name
Artorius Turrītus Glockulius
Other names
Cisgender male (He/Him)
  • Xarius (Father) †
    Sila (Sister) †
    Unnamed Mother
  • Deceased (Killed by Harkon)
Hair Colour
Dark Brown
Eye Colour
Deep red (Vampirism effect)
Noticable Marks/Traits
  • Gradiant dark colour on limbs


The second born child of the mighty Vampire Patriarch, Xarius. Artorius lived with his family reletively peacefully for many centuries. Things changed however when another vampire clan wished to meet with Xarius, hailing themselves as Clan Ravenwatch. They convinced Xarius to cease hunting mortals and instead look for blood from the willing. A choice which made Artorius mother leave and soon, Artorius would follow. Calling his father weak and soon the mortals would see that too and come for him.

Story events.

2nd Era (Elderscrolls: Online events)

Mucho Texto here

4th Era (Elderscrolls: Skyrim events)

Texto here

Post events.

Post events here





Artorius is a pshyically imposing man standing at 6'3ft. He is broad shouldered and well built and his 'hands' are a pair of razor sharp claws adorning a gold ring on almost every didget. Artorius is seen as a rather attractive man by many also with a strong jaw, a pencil-like beard and short dark brown hair. His teeth are mostly all sharp like a predators.





"This is my sister, Lets-the-Blood. She will take care of you."

Blood has been with Glock since the near beginnings of forming his own clan. She's the equivilent of a second in command and he trusts her with pretty much every kind of matter. Often asking for her take on matters or making a large decision. While the Argonian has sometimes snarked Artorius, she has shown she loves him deeply like a brother and he sees them as his sister. First meeting when he accidently interupted one of her contracted killings, he convinced her that chasing failing assassin guilds is beneath her and convinced her to join his clan and embrace her love of the shadows.

Sharp-Fang the Deadly

"I always said I'd never leave you, didn't I, Sharp...?

His personal guard, a role the khajiit appointed herself. As this Imperila hardly needs protection. Sharp-Fang was found by Glockulius after she tried to steal prey from his clan's hunt. He took pity on her, seeing she'd been horribly injured on her mouth resulting in a tooth being ripped out. After nursing her back to health and replacing the missing fang, Sharp swore feality to Glockulius and has been loyal to him since. He understands she struggles with seperation anixety towards him. Making sure to try and keep her by his side at all times.


"I bestow the greatest honour a vampire can give upon you. I declare you Clanmother, Rah'dahna.

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"How does a kid have more sense than the lot of us put together..."

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Sathri and Bratanos Dres

"The only regret I have is not making that slaver watch the light leave his sister's eyes!"

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