Rio's Comments

do they interest you?

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I liked blade a bit ! But his worth a bit under :’0


What sort of AJPW and PC items are you looking for? On AJPW I mainly have pets and sapphires but I also have a lot of variety of items, and on AJPC I have things like black longs and other misc items!!

I can also offer characters from my toyhouse, off limits just being sonas and unsorted!

Dm me on discord ;0 Lilyw748#8578 - send me pics of ur inventory maybe? Lf bigger items too like partyhats etc and black longs etc! I’ll look at ur th :0 

anyone from (welcome to look outside, no one tagged 00/grave/gift(ed))

or from ekysotorp or SykeNight-Sales

I didnt see anyone i connected w im sorry :(

Np ty for looking ♡

anyone in my TH?

No im sorry:( didnt see anyone i connected with

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Does this knite interest you at all? A response is appreciated no matter the answer <3

ahhh idk :( maybe a little but not rlly im sorry

No worries! Ty for your time; if you ever change your mind lmk <3

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Ahh idk pidge a little but i cant seemcto find the design

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no sorry :’)

would anyone in downtime interest u aa? i can also maybe do someone in my toyhouse not tagged fh ><

Ahhh i wasnt rlly connecting to any1 t-t

alr! ty for looking!

I do take some interest in both!! :0

do you think you'd accept them both for this guy? :0

Ahhh maybe ;w;

just lemme know >:3

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Ahh nobody interested me im sorry:( didnt connect

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Do u see someone here with a similar worth? I won’t be able to do money as  addon if u ask so just lyk

Any offlimits?

Ohh um Kent, Diana and nougat!!

Nobody else is technically offlimits but it depends on who u choose if their worth is higher or I end up preferring that design over urs if that makes sense:]

I liked valentine and wisteria a little bit

I’d be more willing to do valentine tho there’s a worth gap unfortunately:[

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Nty sorry

ty for looking^^

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Ahh noo im sorry i didnt connect to anyone :( 

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Hi! Anyone in my toyhouse? 

Ahh not atm . But u can haggle a bit im lf money mainly if u offer — 

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 I liked Bali and Tao

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I tjought that was 02? 💀 did i get that wrong ahah

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No soz!

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does anyone in my th interest u?

No im sorry

anyone in my th? 

No im sorry

How much $$$ would you take and do you do payment plans

Yes i take payment plans but lf full worth min $230, however i want a downpayment. Also they have a lineless fullbody (fully shaded) by me coming up so yeah their worth will be ~$260

So payment plan of 230$-?

Yes - dm on instagram ( @_rhysz_ ) or discord ( Elixae#4155 ) and i’kl talk abt plans there!

Do you have Twitter? :o

i dont Dx 

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Can u do knote deisgn and add $$?

a rim hd + 7 solids?

Do u still have aj items? 

no this was like a year ago

anyone in my th interest u ? 

I liked Samu ^u^ Depending on their worth I can add maybe aj items ? Idk cuz my oc is worth $225 or abt that rn! 

Ahh nty sorry


Anyone in my th? (Can do the off base knite design from my th and add on some characters!) :(

I saw the knite but their worth is under :(


I can add characters ? (And they are worth $180 btw)

Im lf money as add on sorry


I thought their worth was $150 ? 

They’re getting more art from lywnx, worth $50, and got anothe piece from me. Before thenart their worth was $150. :) 

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Anyone in my Th, I can also add on money and multiple characters!!

are you willing to look at art offers? <3 or someone in the ufo folder!

im willing to do them !!!

Anyone in my TH outside of tbn in FH?

i liked avani :0

i could possibly add for them

I dont take an interest in em :( can u add money?

i unfortunately can’t add money :( is there anyone else in my th that interested you as an add on except for dew? 

I liked the ferret knite but too much of a difference im sorry :’) i need money too aaa

that’s fine! thanks anyways 

anyone in my th ? preferably someone from my sale folder!

i unfortunately didn’t see anyone of similar worth that interested me ;; tysm for offering though!!!

Someone in my th intrest you?

i liked crest

Aaa no sorry as said before im not trading him ;v;

oh, sorry

well i unfortunately didn’t see anyone else. thx for offering tho

c anyone in th? some 001 off limits!

sorry, i didn’t see anyone!

its cool ty!

anyone on my th? sonas r offlimits 

sorry, i didn’t see anyone 

i can offer + anyone outside of the 00 folder :00

ooh I do like the konan design :o I’d love to trade for them! 

ooo okay! i can transfer them over whenever ur ready

oh oops you responded fast! I’ll transfer now if that’s good with you?

yep!! i’ll transfer my part over as well

are you ready? :0

i’m ready to transfer whenever you are 

sorry I’m at work >.< I just sent the transfer request

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