
3 years, 3 months ago


CONQ 10/11/2020
Species: Human
Gender: F (she/they)
Color: Cyan
Codename: n/a
Position: General Crewmember
Role: Crewmate, Varied
Background: Anomaly
Status: TBD
Apperances: Consequences, Aftermath, Reprisal


  • Visor: Note 2 Self


Note that a deceased crewmember's companion was registered to them on transferral to another crew

  • Mini Crewmate [M-LIMP7]:Liam (he/him)


Cyrus’ defining trait is her strong sense of morality- for better or for worse. They’re firmly in the lawful good category, and are quick to panic if they’re forced to make a decision or participate in something that goes against what they believe is right. She refuses to vote most of the time, too afraid to accidentally be part of an innocent person’s death. They tend to be a bit more secretive with information, choosing to keep ideas and theories to themself or a small group of trusted people. Cyrus is fairly stubborn, a little naïve, and sometimes struggles to see things from other people’s perspectives, but really cares a lot about the people around them anyways. She’s willing to put herself in danger to help the crew, and takes in a mini crewmate after his father is killed. She forgives quickly, unless she has a reason to believe the other person still wishes the crew harm. Her inflexibility continues to be a point of contention throughout the series as the situation changes but she doesn’t change nearly as quickly. As time goes on she does learn to be a bit more reasonable, realizing that people sometimes have to do what they need to survive- and that doesn’t make them bad people.

As Impostor (Human):
When assigned impostor, Cyrus completely shuts down. She would outright refuse in a heartbeat if it was an option- and has considered doing so even with the consequences in play. They’ll usually hide in vents for as long as possible and will panic at the meeting table, even if they aren’t being suspected. Most of her effort as impostor goes to finding ways around being impostor that won’t be obvious enough to get her permanently killed. With all their knowledge and experience, they could be a decent impostor if they were willing- but they’re not.

STORY:(click on each section title to expand)


Cyrus claimed to have been on a mission before the consequences crew with Jamie, but later admits that to be false.

the rest is a spoiler :)



thingy 2

  • CONQ 0: Human , Crewmate, Alive (crashed, unofficial transfer)
  • AFTRMF 305: Human, Crewmate, Alive (escape, crew transfer)
  • RPRSLG 0: Human, Crewmate, Dead (standard cycle)
  • RPRSLG 1: Human, Crewmate, (standard cycle)
"Canon" Interactions:
(Groups of characters in the series that this character interacts with during the course of the story, and at what location.)

  • All of CONQ crew (@ The Skeld, MIRA HQ)
  • All of AFTRMF crew *except Blessing and Wonder* & Gray [AFTRMF], Blakely [CONQ], Wilson [CONQ], Cyrus [CONQ], Jamie [CONQ], Liam [CONQ] (@ Polus)
  • All of RPRSLG crew & Gray [AFTRMF], Cyrus [CONQ], Jamie [CONQ], Liam [CONQ], Garrett [AFTRMF], Mo [PREQ] (@ The Airship)
Relationships Of Note
Jamie Close Friend
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
Liam Found Family
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
Gray Friend
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
Garrett Ally
Describe the relationship here... Add as much as you want, but this probably will work best with a short and sweet description.
profile code by physics