Consequences crew summary (click to expand)


Location: The Skeld (& MIRA HQ)
Timeline: Third crew, Departed 10/11/2020
Story: consequences

Following the failure of the PREQ crew and the disappearance of the AFTRMF crew, MIRA was still determined to return to Polus and complete their research. Despite pushback from large portions of the company, the MIRA CEO ordered that a crew be put together for another mission- this one being referred to as the “consequences” crew as a reminder that space exploration came with a price. The purpose of this mission was twofold- to continue the research and find out what happened to the AFTRMF crew.
Since the previous missions had exhausted MIRA’s trained personnel, the majority of this crew was made up of civilians who entered a contest to go to space. Only the captain, first officer, and medic had extensive training. The crew is entirely uniformed of the crew’s actual mission and believes MIRA is running an experiment regarding civilian space travel. It is unconfirmed, but there have been reports that a handful of these civilians are labelled internally as “anomalies”. No further information on the topic has surfaced.
This crew, however, seems to have met a similar fate as the previous crews. This time, all communication was lost with the ship shortly after launch, and nothing was heard from the ship until it crash-landed on Polus. Impostor involvement is suspected, as the CONQ crew had interacted with the PREQ crew’s impostor before liftoff.
The number of survivors is unknown, estimates vary wildly from no survivors to everyone surviving, but leaked documents suggest at least four members of the crew have been found.