

The Knights of the Holy Frigatebird are the Emporer's (sic) crack team of the most epic warriors in the realm. You know how badass and overpowered the knights of the round table are in arthurian legend? they're pretty much like that. Don't let the plate armour fool you, each knight devotes themselves mind body and soul to the mastery of all kinds of martial arts and mediations in the imporeal (sic) kansian dojo. Yeah, they have those in kansia.

They don't just let any old schmuck become a knight of the holy frig variety--you need to be a powerful battlemage, adept in all manners of combat, and mega strong in both body and mind. You can't just be a meathead either, you've gotta be flexing that intellectual prowess as well. If you meet this criteria, and you prove yourself to be intensely honorable and valorous, you MIGHT get a chance. If you're seriously serious you have to take some intensely restrictive oaths and if you do, congrats, you made it. Also the only way you can get out is by death or exile, so, I hope you enjoy your new life <3

These guys are the best of the best, and they all huff imporeal farts with the most chivalrous devotion imaginable. As you can imagine it makes them each the most joyless motherfuckers on the planet, and, worse, they're all pretty smug about it too. Then again, smugness is really the only satisfaction they're allowed to get out of life, so. Let them have it.

Knightly duties include:

  • Elite bodyguard to the Emporer and/or Emporess
  • Leading military units in wartime
  • Apprehending and/or Eliminating enemies of the empore
  • Random Acts of Law Enforcement
  • Being paragons of virtue and chivalry
  • Slaying dragons, and any other elf-beasts you happen upon
  • Cleansing oneself of all emotion & honing oneself into a perfect invincible blade
Knights aren't allowed to do anything fun ever. You're volcel for life and even making friends is discouraged. In return for your loyalty, you get head pats from the Emporer himself, and he shall bestow upon you the coolest weapons and armour so that you can go kill and die in style.

Every knight is neurodivergent. This isn't a requirement, it just turns out they're the only kind of people with the requisite level of social alienation and hyperfixation required to make knighthood in the first place.