AbsoluteCarnage's Bulletins

part 2?

Posted 6 days, 6 hours ago by AbsoluteCarnage

Some people told me the best would be submitting a ticket for block evading, i did, i have put the proof i have I'm not sure if it'll be enough for the admin i just hope it is... I'm sorry if i din't reply anything i'm overwhelmed about this I'm so coward to interact with real people even if it's online, for the moment i'll just go back to work on my commissions as i was doing i can't let this shit to affect me more, I'm very gratefull for the tips and words y'all gave me, even if I'm an adult now i feel weak confronting this type of things

I'm really really sorry i need help and i need y'all thoughts about this please please, i fucked up my english i'm very sorry i'm really anxious rn, i'll post this on forums as well i'm desesperate

I wouldnt call this as a psa/beware as everthing i want its advice.. but i would like to give context of why this makes me so anxious

TW; minors involved in NSFW subjets, i won't show up anything gross

I'm here to ask for help i don't know what to do, i don't want to do something wrong and get called out as a meanie, @////ruruu has been stalking me for almost 3 years and denying it as much i have asked to leave me alone, not only them if not their friends AS WELL

Main - https://toyhou.se/Ruuru - alt - https://toyhou.se/Meltaway

i don't think it's a copy but an clearly inspired design, inspiration it's okay to me the design it's not even the problem but the thing isss... As i said this artist have been stalking me for years now, i have this artist IP blocked and yet somehow they manages to add traits from my ocs to their ocs, i mean that's absolutely 100% okay... but coincidentally my ocs?? and yet they says they lost track of me since the last time I blocked him in 2022.. any thoughts? I don't mind color picking as long the designs r diff enough like this one design, I just want y'all to notice how similar they are just for them deniying it.. i din't even completely design this oc the original designer have talk w them and them straight up blocked them on Toyhouse because they're not comfortable with my mutuals/friends around them? but they're okay with taking inspiration from the artist who made them uncomfy? Okay?


How possible is it for someone who "lost the track abt me" to make a design this similar by coincidence? Even the artist have deny they know me when they were talking to the org designer HELPP


I censored my username i don't like them to call me by my usernames, i'm nothing for you & viceversa, you'll see ts ik👎🏽

uhhh.. we never were friends btw but this artist r friends with a person who used to traced me every chance they had, like- almost every piece i did and posted on my insta stories, this person left their art socials anyways ig everthing good now? This artist ALWAYS condoned their friend behaviour and never stoped them well knowing this person would have actually stoped if the artist told them to, if wondering both of them older than me they're not some kids not knowing what they r doing.

The full white albine wolf it's my truesona, me, she's me since 2017 & they well know how much she means for me, i'm very aware she's not unique nor special but of the few traits she has that characterize her, he managed to use all of them for one of their ocs, the image below shows how the design looked before they redesign it, they did this on purpose they can't say otherwise.

Sadly i don't have their oficial oc ref all i have is this owed piece from someone i also blocked, i had to it's not the first time they send people to stalk me.. does this count as a rip-off? :(


Before redesign, this is from 2022



This is a bit more deep, if you need proof i'll gadly give you the proof i have

Continuing, some of you have heard of this artist on my old instagram uhh yuhh.. this is the same artist who drew nsfw/porn as a joke(ig? I don't really think they're a creep just really weird minded) for a 12 yo child, something that makes me feel off abt it is that the piece was drawn on a whiteboard fox, so iiii think the piece was made in the presence of the 12yo? HOPEFULLY NOT, it's just it wasn't the first time i saw them creating wb to draw together

they drew this nsfw art of this child's oc & the child think it was a great idea to put it as a pfp, i never liked this child because they was really horny, annoying & weird but HELp? Bro my heart dropped when i saw the pfp, the accusations about the dc servers i mention below gain more veracity for me.

i remember this child calling this artist "daddy" as a joke ig? a child calling a 18yo "daddy" in public is outrageous i can't even imagine in private dms, so sad i don't have screenshots of the child calling the artist daddy BUT i may ask for help from some of their old mutuals/friends they may have screenshots or sum

People who were friends w the artist told me that this artist was in discord servers with this 12yo, the tracer, other people & other child(11-13yo i can't remember correctly, this child was worse than the other child this one said that they would like to come to México and kill me LMAOOOO 😭 everthing over a design ), people who were there told me there was NSFW channels & freaky ahh bots open to use by everyone in the server and as far i know it wasn't only a single server they made w Nsfw/rule34 on it, this artist was the older and yet they condoned that behaviour, sadly i don't have proof of the dc servers everthing is deleted by now all i have is the word of multiple people who supossedly were there

I have proof of the pfp & proof of the artist apologizing to me for drawing NSFW for their 12yo friend when they contacted me to fix shit a few months ago, idk why apologise to me tho? maybe is it cause was me who expose them oops lol, uhhm so, I really believed that they were really sorry but if they are lying over literally FURRY DESIGNS then idk anymore

Honestly, i don't care anymore nothing that have anything to do with this human i just want them to fucking grown up and leave me alone, i was 15 I'm 18 now & not matter how much i tell them i would like to live my life without them looking up for me they won't hear me, they never hear me ITS NOT THE FIRST TIME I ASK TO THEM TO LEAVE ME ALONE.

As i said they keep denying that they are stalking me and I don't know what to do, isn't there a way for the admin to give them a warning? :c i mean they've been IP evading me and my friends for 1/2 years and bro it's been 3 years since our drama about they and their friends getting heavily inspired off of my ocs get over it? I don't even care anymore it's been YEARSSSS maaaybe leave me and my shit alone? I don't even care about getting inspired on my designs anymore why they do this and deny 

it i don't fucking know what's their purpose w this