Hot line

Hot line has 1 small town in the hills connected to cold line & 2 small towns near warm coast!

EO Orange BELOVED Pink Red Brown Blue Catto monochrome Demon Green Aevum Cop Internet Minor Bunny Virgiawan Purple Undead blonde Yellow Rainbow Lamb Buns TADC Reed Meaty Rainbown Bat Sea Food Sea food Anumans Romulo DA points Sheep Foxy purple Angel Bord Asaichi Pokemon CakeAniDess orange Cow Vince yellow Commission Slate blue Adopt Bear Gem Blonde Custom Fox Calixte Doggy closed species Fishy Trade Monocrom Buggy Grid Wolf Monochrome Hali adoptable DA point Bugy Deer Reed meaty DP Fanart adopt demon pink Mouse Persona Art Rapty design Eo French Chibi UFO