The Workshop

A flying kingdom made up of a central airship- the titular Workshop, a multi-floored wooden flying steamboat decorated elaborately to somewhat resemble a gingerbread house- and several other magically-centered landmarks. It's often referred to as the Hidden Hill, as it acts as an extension of The Hill Topside.

The Workshop is the "home base" for any and all Winter Demigods, as it is a kingdom built with the purpose of keeping both magic and global morale alive, especially during the cold and bitter winter months when both are typically at an all-time low.

The highlight of the Workshop is a tall spire made of ice, tall enough to nearly breach the atmosphere altogether. This spire, lit from the inside by magic, measures both Magic and Morale, seeing where the extra boost of cheer is needed most. Despite the expectation, the Workshop's attention travels as winter does, and though they may focus on all winter holidays, what constitutes as a "winter holiday" depends on the time of year, so there's never a dull moment!