
The Empire of Moirose is an intergalactic evil empire whose hold on the universe is always expanding. Planets under Moirose's rule are incredibly varied- as Moirosean culture and invasion practices involve preserving the local culture- and the empire makes its bountiful riches by using that uniqueness to draw in tourists.

Moirose is known for three things- The numerous "seedy underbelly" type locations on its many planets, a love of indulgence inherit to the culture, and their incredibly advanced technology. Moirosean technology- both domestic and military- is considered top tier across space, and is one of their premier exports.

Moirosean invasion nearly always begins with an invitation- a planet, seeking shelter from another force or aid during an apocalyptic crisis, will reach out to the Empire and ask to be taken in. Following that, Moirose will arrange some mock battles before officially claiming the planet as its own, all the while attending to the problem that caused the invasion.

Moirose is primarily populated by the Greys, a species known for their large eyes and frequent human contact.

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