The Planar Triad



A modern fantasy world split into three main planes, The Planar Triad plays host to stories spanning from the far reaches of space to the dark depths of the underworld. The Triad runs entirely on Story Magic- whether something is logically possible always plays second fiddle to the thing that makes the best story.


. Starlit Siege

Deep in space, three galactic organizations rule over the many planets under the reign of the Galactic Council. The debaucherous and evil Moirosean Empire(whose citizens are pampered but whose laws let crime run free); the safe, purehearted Uranian Republic(whose dedication to good constricts its people's free will); And the Killjoy Guild(A rebellious interplanetary union whose numbers are small). Join whichever side suits you, and fight to bring whatever new planet you find into your grasp...
Ideal Medium: RPG Game with Unlockable Story And Seasonal Events

. Shopwrecked

When one Admiral Reaperjewel and his Shipwreck Armada declare their goal to take over the world- and eliminate all heroes on the way- only one person can try to stop his plans and keep the ocean out of his control... local gold-chasing shopkeeper Ben Boyare, who's only in it to avoid losing his best customers. With an artifact to hunt down and the help of an eccentric former pirate, he just might do the right thing...
Ideal Medium: Platformer/Top Down Action Game

. The Coronation Game

The once-legendary heroic force of the Roundtable Coven(a group of mages who protected Camarinia and the world from evil) is struggling after decades of magic being illegal within the kingdom keeping their members secret and their work subtle. When the Queen is killed in a scene reeking of foul play, and the many-tiered kingdom sets its sights on selecting a new reigning regis, Agents Sugar and Spice set their sights on protecting the proceedings from the forces of evil- and hopefully find a ruler willing to strike down the corrupt and unequal system in place.
Ideal Medium: Story-Based Askblog

. Call of the Mallsoleum

When one of Terrus' most respected and beloved mob bosses, a man known as Lunch Special, mysteriously vanishes, one force rises to find him- Detective Quicksilver, a Neon Mushroom dryad whose dazzling good looks are bested only by his wit. He tracks his boss to the Mallsoleum, an enchanted mall that seems on its surface normal- but darkness and death lurk around every corner, and something great and terrible seems to be drawn to the place...
Ideal Format: Point-And-Click Horror Game

. Tales From Radio Wonder

Radio Wonder is a radio show hosted by one Dr. Dante Wonderway- a living legend for both his cryptozoology work and his valiant defense of magic in equal measure. His radio show has a dedicated fan forum- where those who have seen themselves in his work flock and communicate to one another, uncover mysteries and threats of their own, unfold dark, sinister plots... and help the man who's brought them all together find the peace and connection he didn't know he needed.
Ideal Medium: Animated Series

. Nothing Stops The Mail

The criminal underground of Terrus is a harrowing place- but its members are no strangers to danger. Luxor Goldrise has risen the ranks from showgirl to common mook and now, at last, to the Special Delivery department of the Gloomcrypt Couriers, a mafia specializing in the delivery of fine contraband all across the planet. Hardworking and dreaming of a life of luxury for himself and his friends, Luxor notices his boss more interested in trying to plot world domination than actually take care of the Family Business- and seeks to take over the mafia by Force.
If he can free up enough time to do it, that is.
Ideal Medium: Comic Series/Animated Show

. Everybody Wants To Rule The World

The stage is set. The players called to the stage- the world holds its breath and the balance of it rests on the edge of a knife. Villains from all corners of the Triad, from every story on this very page, step up to the Terran plate with one goal: Take Over The Planet. Interstellar agents; a megalomaniacal man-in-black; a drama troupe and their egnimatic leader; a bloodthirsty pirate captain and his crew; a Tryptich of terrifying eldritch monsters; a dragon hewn from the Void itself- and one unwilling necromancer- all duke it out for the dubious honor of Ruling The World.
Ideal Medium: TBA


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[ TERM ]

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[ TERM ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate.

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incomplete EVIL ART WISHLIST villain demon trans faerie cowboy mad scientist alien halloween celestial gijinka gingerfolk eldritch fae cookie run undead lemon demon pokemon mafia