Marsh Silas

A Warhammer: 40,000 fanfiction series, Marsh Silas follows the titular Cadian Shock Trooper, Marsh Silas, through a series of adventures, dilemmas, struggles, and triumphs on the road to pave a new path for humanity. Beginning as a lowly platoon sergeant, he is entranced and bewitched by a mysterious Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus who preaches change, reform, growth, and humanism. Soon, these tenets become Marsh's own, and he resolves to become a greater person in order to help as many people as I can. Assembling a growing band of devotees and comrades, his meteoric ascendancy attracts allies and enemies alike as he wrangles with newfound emotions, doubt, selfishness and selflessness on a road to liberation, prosperity, equality, and change. 

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