Basic Info

Full Name

Seathan Randolph Hyram

Wall Name

Hero Hyram







Hair Color


Eye Color





Imperium of Man


Kasrkin/Astra Militarum/Militarum Tempestus/Departmento Munitorum


Platoon Command Squad/Avalanche Company/10th Kasrkin Regiment


Executive Officer/Officer





Staff Captain Seathan Hyram is an unassuming character at a glance. Bookish, academic, of middling nobility, in the opinion of some, he ought to have sought a post in the myriad offices of the Adeptus Administratum. Although he was not born on the homeworld, he was however born of Cadian blood. Such is the blood of a warrior and since he was a lad, he sought a post in the Astra Militarum legions of Cadia. Although he may have began as a stumbling, fumbling untested replacement officer, he rose to become a beloved and expert commander of Bloody Platoon. His daring is matched only by his intelligence, creating a soldier with a keen sense of both tactics and strategy. More so is a moral heart; devoted to his men and high, humanist goals, he dreams of a future of the Imperium in which individuals rise by merit, education, and good hearts. 

Personality & Character

Hyram is an individual who has struggled all his life to earn what he keeps and to make a positive mark on the people around him. Having languished in a cramped office for most of his career, and much of the energy and spirit he once felt steadily eroded over time. His wealth, his comfortable station, his home, even the choosing of his wife were all out of his hands. He is a man who once had little agency in his life, but rather than forced into some grueling task like most denizens of the Imperium, he instead got a ticket out of the worst assignments. It was enough to drive him to drink and he suffered from guilt knowing trillions of men and women were fighting and dying while he had an office. However, through skillful planning, he managed to secure a combat post despite his inexperience. 

He is an individual who wants to partake in the "big action" as he'll put it when asked. This is not for fame, glory, or riches, but rather an idea of self-fulfillment, a way of contributing alongside those men and women he thought of, and becoming Cadian. However, he was not always a practical man due to his inexperience. Much of what he learned came from outdated or unhelpful manuals and his tactical acumen suffered so badly that, upon taking commanding of Bloody Platoon, Marsh Silas considered ratting on him to get him sent away. Yet, ever the student, he learned from Marsh Silas. All of his experience was dervied from NCOs with valuable knowledge and the combat leader that is Captain Hyram was forged quite literally on the battlefield. 

Thus, he has become a very sober individual. The costs of a battle and the dangers war poses are all too understandable for him. As such, there is no vainglory or peacock behavior for this noble son and officer. Devoted to his men and to the citizens of the Imperium, he sees himself as a defender and utilizes much of his abilities to benefit his soldiers and people. His mission is to destroy the enemy, save lives, and get his men back in one piece. This cold, realistic perception of combat is metered by his own personal bravery; he takes great personal risks but ensures those taken by his men, however dangerous, are calculated to maximize enemy damage and minimize risk to the troopers. Educated and intelligent, proclivity for academics, studying, and bookkeeping have also made him an excellent administrator, resulting in a keen mind that wraps around logistics, finances, and training. Thus, he is able to keep his unit well-supplied, paid, and ensures they are a cut above thanks to the numerous training classes he and Marsh have overseen. Having been a joint-founder of a brand new schola beside Marsh Silas, he has penned many programs to train and educate Whiteshields, Interior Guardsmen, Cadian Shock Troops, and Kasrkin. Rationalizing regimental formations, creating permanent training battalions, increasing wages, granting protections to enlisted man, he is ever devoted to the improvement of life and efficacy of the army. 

Hyram is, at his heart, a family man. Although adores his son, Sydney, he has never been able to love his wife, Isabella. Chosen as a suitable match, there was no romance in the marriage. Even after nearly thirteen years, Hyram's love for her does not exceed that of a close friend and companion. Isabella struggles, as she is devoted and loving towards Hyram, but accepts him for who he is for the benefit of their son. Thus, the family he has is close and intimate. His found family, such as the men of Bloody Platoon, are all close companions. Most of all is Marsh Silas; this pair's rocky start evolved into a close friendship in which both were learners and teachers. Ever the educator, he has taught Marsh Silas to read, write, and how to be a noble gentleman. They are brothers, truly. 

Although zealous in his persecution of enemy such as traitors, cultists, and heretics, Hyram's abhorrence of xenos was softened from spending a decade in the officers. Although he dares not treat with the monstrous Orks, he does not have a particular loathing for alien races such as the Aeldari. He find them mysterious and a potential route for an alliance. This reveals a notion of Hyram: despite his warriorship, he is open to avenues of peace, diplomacy, and comradeship within and without the Imperium. Much like Marsh Silas, he took despises corruption, hedonism, greed, selfishness, and the callous expenditure of lives by the Imperium, and seeks to create good change. 

Pre-Volume I Timeline

Hyram was born to the middling noble family of the Hyram's, a notable household in the Cadian officer caste. His parents were highly decorated but demobilized from the Astra Militarum after his birth. Removing to Cypra Mundi, the seat of Segmentum Command in Segmentum Obscurus, he was unable to see his homeworld of Cadia. His parents proved to be strict and controlling, modulating every aspect of his life. However, Hyram continually read about his ancestors and people in countless tomes and felt an urging in his Cadian blood to partake in the great effort against the enemies of humanity. Every attempt by the young Hyram to join a cadet academy was thwarted by his parents. When he threatened to enlist without their consent at age sixteen, they finally agreed to an officer's commission. Knowing that he had been kept out of the academies, he attempted to earn a commission by inspection of his conduct and character. Instead, it was purchased by his parents, who pulled favors got him a detail as a logistical liaison to the Departmento Munitorum. Commanding a small officer of several clerks and scribes, Hyram spent much of his life merely regarding reports of assignments, transfers, supply requests, payroll, etc. He described it as watching from a distance while good soldiers went off and died with the tools he assigned them. 

In his early 20s, he was married to Isabella, a wife chosen by his parents. Hyram, unwilling to say no and even more unwilling to shame her by escaping the marriage or adopting an adulterous affair, became devoted to her. Although Isabella proved to be a doting wife and developed genuine feelings for Hyram, he was never able to muster the ability to love her in the way she loved him. Isabella, understanding, gave him permission to seek a mistress, which he refused. Over time, their relationship developed into a close friendship and he considers her his companion, though he still wished for true romance. They had one son, Sydney, whom Hyram loves with all his heart. He ensures that he earns everything, is an avid learner, and has good opportunities as he pursues his own dreams. 

Sydney proved to be Hyram's only true saving grace during his years in the offices. Bored, unfulfilled, guilty, he was driven to drink and became a reclusive alcoholic. Yet, as his parents lost interest in him, he realized this was an opportunity. Portraying himself as a meek individual not worthy of their time, he went behind their backs and secured a transfer to the Cadian Shock Troops. Not only that, he was granted permission to serve on Cadia itself! Elated, Hyram nonetheless realized that he had no combat experience and thus took the books to learn as much as he could before he transferred over. It was on that ship to Cadia did he realized just how scared he really was.

Current Timeline

Hyram replaced the commander of Bloody Platoon and was totally unfit for his station. Unsure and afraid, he faltered on multiple occasions in and out of combat. However, when pushed and with the right tasks, he showed everyone that he did have backbone and a dedication to being a good soldier. Marsh Silas, extending his empathy and overcoming his anger, took Hyram under his wing and taught him about 'real war.' Hyram became a dutiful student and soon developed a strong style of leadership, found his courage, and became a stalwart combat leader for the veterans of Bloody Platoon. All their apathy transitioned in adoration, respect, and love for the commander who had grown so much in so short a time. Humane and dedicated, he led them through countless, difficult operations such as the Battle of the Cove, the First Battle of Army's Meadow, the Raid on Kasr Fortis, the Long Patrol, and the Battle of the Hills. 

His bearing as a platoon leader and his meteoric growth led to a promotion after the Battle of the Hills to a weapons platoon commander. However, he remained close with Marsh Silas and Bloody Platoon and fought alongside them during the Battle of Kasr Sonnen and the Siege of Kasr Sonnen. Towards the end of the siege, he assumed the command of the entire regiment and led them to victory on the Sonnen Plateau. Throughout those battles, he, Marsh Silas, and Commissar Carstensen protected the men from unfair punishments and suicidal assignments charged by their commanding officer, Colonel Isaev. Hyram was one of the chief figures who helped Marsh through his grief after Carstensen's death. Together, the two men led the regiment once more after Isaev's dispatch against the Iron Warriors during the Second Battle of Army's Meadow. Like Marsh Silas, he has been further ennobled as a Knight of Cadia and has been warded a high award, creating him as a Hero of the Imperium.

Along with Marsh and Bloody Platoon, he was drafted into the 10th Kasrkin Regiment and underwent bio-enhancements to become faster and stronger. He assumed his post as executive officer of Avalanche Company. Although he performs many administrative duties once more, he takes every opportunity he can to go out into the field with Bloody Platoon to fight alongside them. 

Other Notes

- Hyram often chain-smokes lho-sticks when he's reading, studying, or planning.

- He still struggles with his alcoholism but tries to stay away from drink as much as possible. 

- After the events of Volume II, he moved his family to Cadia and has a small manse in Kasr Sonnen which he shares with Marsh Silas. 


- Bolt Pistol/Carstensen's Justice 

- Power Sword OR Power Fist/The Fist of Lilias

- Combat knife