Mermaid Tears


The ferocious captain Blackheart has been hunting mermaids for a while without luck. But one day, after trying something shiny as angle, a fish tailed creature ends up in his net. The most valuable trait of a mermaid are their tears, which turn into pearls if they hit the ground, but have healing powers if they hit skin. The captain keeps the mermaid in his bathub, and collects her tears with violence when he feels like it. The mermaid, Ophelia, lives a miserable life, as she misses her children which are left, but safe, at sea. After a while, the captain softens towards her, as he starts seeing her as a person and not just a creature. Will she use this to her advantage?

fantasy pirates abuse stockholm syndrome some NSFW Plot partner: Nakika

female nonhumans needs art roleplay FAVE human Art Fight nakika DTPAY bb wonder male The Dead West The Witch Bitch DnD rp Mermaid Tears Elf Booty needs rp nsfw