Bohemian Witchery


Tone is a happy go lucky young spring witch who dropped out of witch school to travel the world and practice magic on her own. On her travels she discovers a scene where a singer is performing. She gets starry eyed from his beauty in both looks and music, and agrees to follow him into the back room for an autograph after the show. Little does she know he's a vampire, after the blood of his naive fans. Little does HE know tho, that he's just caught himself a witch. First off, witch blood tastes gross, second off, she gets so freaked out by his bite that she casts a spell in panic and accidently binds him to be her familiar. Now they're stuck together and he is constantly grumpy about having to follow a weak witch around.

70s adventure magic adult themes

female nonhumans needs art roleplay FAVE human Art Fight nakika DTPAY bb male wonder The Dead West The Witch Bitch DnD rp Mermaid Tears nsfw nonhuman Elf Booty needs rp for sale ibrbz non-human Nakika Gift or adopted art fight bg3 Vic dnd