
Sheltered beneath metallic superstructures of incomprehensible design and unknowable purpose lies a thriving, yet broken, ecosystem.

Scant sunlight makes it down here. Whole regions lie in the shadows of the superstructures above. What narrow gaps exist are overgrown, wet fronds filtering the sunlight into murky colours.

Yet it is not dark down here, as much of the life carries light within. Much of the life carries everything it needs at all time, for this is a land of extremes.

The creatures trapped down here do not know their sins, but they know they are being punished for something. One day, they will clear their debt. On that day, they will free themselves.

Over time, the land dries out, rivers retreat, and plants and animals curl up to conserve energy, or in hopes of protecting themselves from the coming floods.

And flood it does.

The signs are small at first. There is less dust in the air. The smaller fronds begin to unfurl.

One day, the metal ceiling of this strange world will disappear, hidden behind thick clouds.

Then, the torrent. Not gradually, but all at once, it will rain. Moss, dust, and death will flow downhill until the rivers meet, and pool, and grow; until the whole world is underwater.

As it drains away, the water leaves behind a different world. Empty. Washed clean. And as life returns, the chrome will shine once more with their light until the dust begins to choke it again.

This is the land under rain.

flighted deity no art The Nine lightcrept dragon avian weirded fuck physics pseudodragon yeesan deer grove megafauna eyan serpent tree writhing cult corruptor sona Anthro flying fish bells dream-beast Furry winged reptilian feline male monsterboy Monster moon bee l00d eyes test this one should be really long too actually sound dream fancharacter Wolf Kemono anthro necromancy warm Feral bird undead askme pastel chicken shishi mech android earth sun bug eldritch words blood vitality undertale caves of qud Canine peryton ascended reptile birb gourd vampire lizard bat leonine Main alien robot canine caprine food what do I even put here swan more tags flight rising breath reflect rain world Dog Canis Lumen cervine construct void-dweller cerey Circle Citizen Crocodile peacock god anthropire giraffe cockatrice Attached cyborg robotaur fire air candy gore angel Sans according to all known laws of aviation there is n bone name view underrain circle citizen Jellyfish dreer dollmaker descended Ornate taur image host gryffs inner world