Grove Reincarnate

This ominous Grove was the primary inspiration for a lot of my FR dragons.


The Grove is an ancient one, resistent to all attempts at destroying it. A combination of very powerful residents, incredible good fortune, and a miltant cult have kept it relatively unchanged for...well, as long as anyone can remember.

It is possible to leave the Grove with no memories of having ever been inside; to spend years lost within and genuinely believe it was only twenty minutes. To leave the Grove with one's mind intact is to be truly trusted by it. And that is not to say trusted by its residents, or its cult leader. The Grove itself must trust you, for it is a singular living organism of which all its inhabitants and members only form parts and organs.

What doesn't grow, dies. What dies will feed the growth.

flighted no art deity lightcrept The Nine dragon avian weirded fuck physics pseudodragon deer grove megafauna eyan serpent yeesan Anthro flying fish bells corruptor