Antkin's Profile Comments

Do you do lioden currency customs?:0

The first two are pending, but I can do Tall spider for the last "discarded freak" (assuming they're open), fox, bunny, or tbn!! :3

I can do tallspider for fox ya!!

Perfect!! I’ll send tall’spider over :3

what art program do u use… 

I use procreate!

love ur adopts SMMM WAA n i was jus wondering if u would do a custom for artwork?? of cu can decide what my art is worth for one on base but GRR JUST HAD TO ASKKKK exs

Beatboxing puppy! *puppy beatboxing*


aaaaaaaaa sillyy!!!!!

Heya, it's me Aqua! You see Fennix was going to come here and leave a funny comment or something, but since me and my friend Huckleberry are visiting, well... Huckleberry sort of chewed his router cord! Right now Fen and Spectrum are trying to fix it, but our old man Spectrum doesn't understand tech and suggested we take the router apart for... Missing gears!


ʕ ⁎❛ั ुꈊ͒ੁ❛ั ु)


You make the coolest little kitties!! 

so sorry to keep bothering you, but what is your typical custom rate?

not too sure atm! I haven't opened in forever :'o

I'll probably do aucts for it to figure out the best prices!

ummm my stars and no so sorry sir sorry so js I’m going to get gas ⛽️ 

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i love ur art omg ^0^!!

Meow meow :3

your artstyle is sooo pretty! i love the soft painterly look of everything, reminds me of renaissance art a bit. and i adore your designs! always so creative and beautiful ^^ i'm glad i got an excuse to comment this on your profile. i always am unsure of how to approach compliments since i'm awkward and creepy LMAO

faborited the three sillies for robinplau :3 ,,, your recent characters all look so ,, sooo soft ..,,,

Love the art :3c


Rawr >:3

i know what you are. i know you. you’re the man who married sans undertale. you were on the copy of undertale that matthew gametheory patrick gave to the pope

Cease your posting until I'm a billionaire please

"yogurt" gurt: yo wassup

I'm feeling a lil eepy, your cars look really good to be used as pillows..... mnf...

Ya like jazz?


**blow up pancakes with mind 🥞 **


I love the cars you draw sgdfsghd /pos

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woa nelly! oogly booglehy...

mmm kitties 

which ant

pusheen is married and hjas like . 3 kids 

hey, just wondering if you got your photos printed?
bogos binted?

when two vegans get into an argument is it still called beef

you know what actually kills people freddy fazbears pizza because if you go to fnaf freddy five bears pizzeria you get bite of 87 cus freddy fazbear goes or or or or or or or or or or and he does the freddy fazbear jumpscare with his hat and bowtie and his friends chica the kitchen bunny the bonnie foxy the fox pirate rawr and another freddy thats yellow because hes from william afton who also kills people cus hes purple and he he has a daughter i think or it was the other one and if you go to fnaf freddy five five t bear dinner at pizza time you learn how to eat pizza and wear top hats

if not friend why friend shape..

—Milei no es un león, es un.. gatito mimoso— exclamó Myriam.

Javier se estremeció. Sintió cómo la sangre le subía a las mejillas, como si una electricidad hubiese corrido por su cuerpo. Las imágenes de la noche anterior le invadieron la cabeza. Se lo había hecho a propósito... Myriam le sonrió satisfecha, sabía que sus palabras le habían calado en donde ella quería.

Massa y Bullrich debatían sobre la economía. Pero para ellos dos, de golpe, el resto de los candidatos habían desaparecido. El país ya no importaba. Estaban peleando por algo más. Javier continuaba respondiendo. Tenía que mantener la calma. Sus enemigos eran Sergio y Patricia, no tenía tiempo para pensar en ella.

Antes de que pudiera darse cuenta, él había agotado sus derechos a réplica. No podía defenderse.

Los ojos de la rusa estaban fijos en él.

El plan de Myriam había salido exactamente como había pensado. Javier agotó sus réplicas y ahora podía contestarle a todo, sin que él pudiera hacer nada.

Iba a ir contra él y solo contra él. Quería dominarlo, someterlo, enseñarle lo que era la verdadera casta.

El debate avanzaba acalorado. Las chicanas iban y venían. En la cabeza de Javier, las palabras de Myriam resonaban como un disco rayado.

Era el momento de atacar. Tenía que preguntarle a ella. Y tenía que hacerlo bien.

-Dr. Bregman - sintió cómo el corazón comenzaba a saltarle en el pecho - usted apoya al comunismo, me podría decir por qué si eso mató a más de 150 millones de personas?

La rubia lo miró con sus ojos gélidos. Sabía que el "Doctora" lo había hecho a propósito.

-Yo no sé si eso te lo dictó Macri o lo sacaste del Rincón del Vago - dijo burlona. Vio con satisfacción cómo la ira invadía a Javier, poniendo su cara roja y haciendo que sus puños se cerraran.

Después del debate iban a hablar. Y la charla sería acalorada.

Luego, fue el turno de Myriam de preguntar. -Milei, la brecha salarial es innegable. Una mujer tiene que trabajar 8 días más para ganar lo mismo que un hombre.

- A eso te lo refuto con evidencia empírica.

-Lo espero con ansias. -El micrófono estaba apagado, pero él lo vio.

Al terminar el debate los candidatos se retiraron del recinto. Myriam pasó al lado de Javier, lo suficientemente cerca como para rozar discretamente su pierna con la mano. Antes de irse, se acercó disimuladamente y le susurró al oído

-¿Ahora vas a ronrronear, gatito?

Le deslizó un papel en el bolsillo del pantalón y se fue, dejando un halo de su perfume por detrás.

El estudio se vació de a poco y antes de que pudiera reaccionar, Milei se encontraba solo. Tomó la nota que le había deslizado la abogada y la leyó. Era la dirección de un hotel.

Jamás había tenido dudas de que sus ideales de libertad eran lo correcto...pero ahora estaba cuestionandose si realmente nublaban su buen juicio. Si lo que él tenía podía llamarse buen juicio, de cualquier forma

-¿Diputado Milei? - La voz resonó en toda la cámara baja. Era estridente y firme, una voz que había escuchado tantas veces en cadena nacional...y tantas veces había repudiado.

Cristina Fernandez entró a la sala.

-Estás asistiendo a todas las sesiones, Javier. Pareciera que tenés algo más que te motiva... -¿Cristina? -Creo que nunca habíamos tenido tiempo para hablar uno a uno ¿Cómo estás? -Zuurrrrda chorrrra -Javier, estamos solos. Acá no hace falta el personaje. Nadie se va a enterar de lo que charlamos. Y a nadie le voy a decir lo de Miriam.

Javier se sobresaltó. ¿Cómo podía ser que ella lo supiera? ¿Tan evidente era?

-El zorro sabe más por viejo que por zorro - le dijo Cristina con una sonrisa en los labios. - Es muy común enamorarse de tu enemigo más grande. Creeme, yo lo sé. -¿Mauricio?- preguntó Milei extrañado -Cuando estás permanentemente en conflicto con alguien, algo adentro tuyo se activa. Es como si la carne deseara más aquella carne que sabe que no debe tocar. -¿Cuándo? -Cuando hicimos el traspaso presidencial, claramente. -El corazón quiere lo que el corazón quiere- Dijo Cristina. - Yo sé que la presidencia parece la gran cosa. Pero no vale nada cuando tenés que volver a dormir a una cama vacía.

La ex mandataria sonrió y lo dejó nuevamente a solas. Javier volvió a tocar el papel en su bolsillo. Afuera, sus seguidores lo esperaban. El simple pensamiento de que se enteraran qué estaba pasando entre ellos dos le aterraba. No sabía de qué eran capaces

-El corazón quiere lo que el corazón quiere- dijo en voz baja.

Salió del estudio y tomó un taxi, internandose en la noche

do i go on a walk or do i go bat shit insane

you would not believe ypur eyes if ten million fireflies lit up the wordl as i fell asleep

meow meow meow meow meow meow 🐱😼

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I love you

𝕴 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖍𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖞

not now kittenwhiskers... 🤥

wait hold on so youre telling me a shrimp fried this rice?? 🤔🤔🦐

meow meow meow meow

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Fun fact: Gray foxes, bush dogs and raccoon dogs(aka tanukis) are the ONKY canines observed with climbing abilities! The one with the best of them all is the gray fox, which has very flexible wrists and claws adapted to dig into trees. Even without branches, they are able to climb up as nimbly as a squirrel!! They are about the same size as a domestic cat. They are omnivorous and eat stuff such as small rodents, fruits, and nuts! They dislike pungent smells. They make over 400 sounds, and one of the msot common ones are gekkering!
Moral of the story? They're just like me fr..

(-PS. Did all of the bonus stuff!!)

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The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start.

:3 ( You better start running )

The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start.

:3 ( You better start running )

what do you call a fast zombie? a ZOOMbie : )

EVERYTIME i see ur art i wanna devour it until its just shredded paper HEHZGSGZGSGSGSHABh Tastes likeeee pumpkin pie/banana pudding (either or it’s hard to tell)


Onions garlic celery balsamic vinegar- that’s a big word for Elmo :3

Think I'm losing it


how do I attatch image

uh um uh

insert silly image

Did you know, that sharks are really intelligent and adore physically affection? Not only that but they bring their friends so divers can remove fishing hooks and tend to their wounds

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Look at this guy and make fun of him, he's so fucking stupid and dumb and stupid, now you have to take care of him and give him a forehead kiss while I go get milk


Have this very flattering picture of the cat we saw on the streets and took home


ur gay btw

77504543_TCEdduCgeujbxwm.jpgThis is Gerold. (That's silly right :,D)

im bad at coming up with funny quotes so have autistic african wild dog i drew

there is a fish species called boops boops


Meep! :D


-something silly-

Hehehehe (?

Cheeseburger 🍔 


smew :3


It’s 1 am as I’m writing this message, my dog Toby is snoring in my ear <3

something silly

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here are 42 cupcakes for you (enjoy, i made these vary laboriously with my own two hands)


Hey! I was wondering if you do customs or art trades? Either way your art is very pretty!! Looks like it would taste like warm pie with ice cream :) /pos

I LOVE YOUR ART & DESIGNS... I wanted to ask if its alright to reference your art for posing? totally fine if not!

Oh my goodness I LOVE LOVE LOVE your designs,,, I randomly came across your account & my brain malfunctioned :,D

UWAA TYSM!!!! this comment fills me with such joys <3

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HOW U ORGANIZED UR SHIT is there a link? :> I love ur art<333

Eats u and ur art 😍😍😍😍😍😍

brilliant artwork!


missed this comment but YAURRR!!!!! IZ 4 DA WIN !!!!!!

silly question but you use procreate right? Could I know what brush you she for the pretty sketchy style lines?

who made ur profile code if u dont mind me asking? ^^

My profile HTML is made by Cheeriko, named Raindown/1980’s Bop I believe?
and my CSS is called autumn made by Ashecodes!

hii sorry to bother but what css are you using for your profile? i can't find it in your favs or see credits anywhere. is it one you made or someone else?

I used blockado from vicodes and the html profile is a slightly modified version of cheeriko's raindown!


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Hi i was wondering if this character is a minor 🤔?

I was a little concerned when I saw their partner (?) is 37!

 I'm not familiar with the show that the character is based off so feel free to correct me if I don't know something!

that's actually her son ! her gf is the same species as him and it can be kinda hard to differentiate them

I am more experienced in making characters look different through their hair and colors .... which is not an available option for their species.... because they are bald..... (my true fear)

the character's partner would actually be Nina ! but she's scrapped and her role is replaced by Zap so that they would be easier to differentiate (she has blue eyes instead of Red!)

I see tysm for informing me! 

I must say your designs and art is amazing ^^ Keep up the good work! 

new fav designer just dropped

hii! i love your designs! do you have custom trades open rn? if not that's fine !! :0c /gen

Not currently, sorry !

heya !! do you have commissions open for these types of drawings (1 , 2) ? if so, how much are they ? (if theyre somewhere on your page, apologies ! i couldnt find much in the way of commissions)

Currently my commissions are not open but I am arranging a comm sheet for later this month and may post art tradez soon :3 You can check out my instagram 4 updates ! [insta is ccott4ge]

ay thanks !! ur art is amazing btw  !

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It’s fine ! I’ll make a private character and authorise you so we can continue our conversation in the comments privately if you wish? If you’re not comfortable with that either I would be fine with continuing here ! (Though keep in mind our convo will be deleted after the transaction is completed)

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I’ll send over the link to my roblox shop after my laptop finishes charging, in my shop I will put up “items” (they give you nothing, just a place to pay since there’s no other way to gift robux!) and you buy the items as a form of payment :3
unfortunately my laptop’s a bit slow. So I have to wait a while for it to charge ^^’

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Sure ! My user is ccott4ge as well :3

 the group wouldn’t be visible for some reason so I’ll figure it out when my laptop is awake ><“

9 Replies

ooh your art and designs are so pretty I love how you colour
id love to do a trade or commission you ong!!!