The Elysian Fields

The Elysian Fields

The world ended with a nuclear war. Humankind was wiped from existance, and only the animals remain. As a result of the radioactive bombs, animals have become hyper-intelligent, learning to read human languages, understand and use human technology, and adapting the world to now fit them, instead of the long-dead humans. Within a certain city, a group of five cats rose up and took control, offering protection in return for service to the other animals. The city was modeled after the ideals each of these cats represented, and the Factions were born. Centuries down the road, one of the factions rebelled, though the reason for their rebellion has been lost to history. As punishment, the fation was sentanced to a death game, where only the top 7 survivors would be allowed to continue the faction.

The city found this game so fascinating, they adopted a form of it, where three cats from each faction would participate, with a single winner being granted the right to become mates with one of the royal family.

More information on the city of Elysium can be found in the folders within. The faction borders are as follows: Jurat -> Empas -> Valor -> Curan -> Jurat

Stars ChickenSmoothie The Elysian Fields Starlight Theatre Co Empas Curan Jurat Valor Ironfang Warriors Cloverleaf Truthseeker Cat Glassclan Factionless Gardenheart Elysium OC Chickensmoothie Gardenclan