BeanyBabee's Bulletins

omg hi interest check

Posted 22 days, 2 hours ago by BeanyBabee


2 Votes yes !
0 Votes no >:( grrr
1 Votes maybe :0

hiii i have this really old design and was wondering if anyone would be interested if i redesigned them and put them ufo ! i know ive asked before but just wanna ask again because i want to redesign them, but i dont know if it will be worth my time

fte raffle (nm) !!!!

Posted 1 month, 5 days ago by BeanyBabee

omg i am in love with their art .....

how to 3d ocs

Posted 1 month, 21 days ago by BeanyBabee

hiii to my friends who are brave enough to do 3d modeling or have friends that are, what do they/you use for characters

questions regarding my designs

Posted 4 months, 17 days ago by BeanyBabee

i want to make more pleasing designs but i dont really know what oeople like .... so that being said. if i gave you guys the opportunity to pick one character of mine to keep based off their design, who would you choose ? (yes multiple people can pick the same one, you guys arent actually getting the character lolll). you have free reign here so any character at all !!!!!

next, what do you guys want to see more of from me regarding my character designs ? 

where do you think i can improve in terms of designing ? what areas am i strong in ?

also off topic i guess im doing a lot better now so heres my unofficial announcement that im back lol !! like . actually back to my usual shenanigans and interactions :3 ill probably be a lot more active again and hopefully over the summer ill upload a lot more frequently 

why do i talk like i have this big following literally only like three of you have bulletin notifs turned on for me CACKLES

guys .

Posted 4 months, 27 days ago by  Chilo BeanyBabee

ive always had like in the back of my mind these designs from chilo's past eras such as when rava was alive, his formal wear, what he wore when he explored with agnes, and so on ..... but i never had like any sort of design idea for present chilo and im wondering what everyone else always thought he dressed in. i know what im going for as im making myself an outfit reference for him right now, but i want everyone else's opinions on what they always thought about his fashion sense or wtv !!!

i almost never post on th anymore unless about cs so this is actually like really important to me if you see this ... i would really appreciate any answers, even from people who havent known of him or been friends with me long enough to hear me go on full ass rants abt him LOLLL