Beespoke's Profile Comments

ur rad

Yoo I see you got fantrolls and a Mukin too (I really need to take more care about mine whoops)

Yeeee I have a metric crapton of fantrolls that I plan to slowly upload onto here as I gather enough suitable artwork orz As for my Mukin I'm trying to figure out if I want them living in space with someone or running around on Alternia because lmao what's consistent planning

Also your fantrolls are a+ and Yerman is a wonderful mess

I have no idea what I wanna do with my Mukin either like if they ran into any of my trolls it would be TROUBLE AHAH

and yells, ah yes my son... ty!! (also who be you on Tumblr I am so bad with naaames )

Omfg same like "play nice kids p UT DOWN THE WEAPONS NOW N O"

Aaaa I am iskrowrioutha on the tunglers. I have an rp blog over there called crowleplays but it's not fully set up yet whoopsies

I FEEL THAT SO HARD WITH SOME OF MY TROLLS OMG //stares at Strenh. Them. Especially them. And Amerea. aND RAIBEN I WON'T EVEN GO INTO THAT

OHH ALRIGHTY I think I found your main blog awhile back just forgot about it gksjgksgsklgsjKGGJ and goes to check your rp one out, quietly

(Oooo I see you got some talksprites from Bunny and Taima there)

I stg it's like I'd be better off putting some of my trolls on child leashes and then tying them to a lamppost than letting them have social interactions with strangers.

AAA YE I got one of Taima's adopts and love her sprites so I was like. Take my money you wonderful person. Same with Bunny like if I could I would commission her for so many talksprites.

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