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Omfg same like "play nice kids p UT DOWN THE WEAPONS NOW N O"

Aaaa I am iskrowrioutha on the tunglers. I have an rp blog over there called crowleplays but it's not fully set up yet whoopsies

I FEEL THAT SO HARD WITH SOME OF MY TROLLS OMG //stares at Strenh. Them. Especially them. And Amerea. aND RAIBEN I WON'T EVEN GO INTO THAT

OHH ALRIGHTY I think I found your main blog awhile back just forgot about it gksjgksgsklgsjKGGJ and goes to check your rp one out, quietly

(Oooo I see you got some talksprites from Bunny and Taima there)

I stg it's like I'd be better off putting some of my trolls on child leashes and then tying them to a lamppost than letting them have social interactions with strangers.

AAA YE I got one of Taima's adopts and love her sprites so I was like. Take my money you wonderful person. Same with Bunny like if I could I would commission her for so many talksprites.

Oh good lord, well TROLLS CAN BE ASSHOLES SO....

Good good cause that bab you got from Taima is cute (and I need to step up my art game myself when it comes to commissions whoops,,,, lowkey promo I have them open )

aaaaaa thank you I love her she's a cutie patoot!

@v@ ooo do you have a post on your blog for them or a page?

Yes she is a good cutie A+++ the cutie I own from Taima is Ashwin

And hell ye I got a post up on Tumblr

I don't have fullbodies listed yet but my tos includes what I do and what I dont and I will potentially add icons and talksprites as options (Icons for 15$ and like have a high res 1000x1000 version like my Yerman and such) also maybe sketch pages so yeah < post < Terms of Services + what I do/what I don't