Immortal Pasts


In modern day Toronto, an average woman named Sadie who works an office job at a high-end corporation has her life turned upside down when she is mysteriously transported after a car accident to an alternate dimension where the magical but dangerous world of Iethil, a realm full of elves, fairies, trolls and… evolved dinosaurs.

As Sadie learns through ruined temples and inscriptions, Iethil was once a thriving and safe world until mysterious, deadly creatures she recognizes as dinosaurs began roaming the land. Cities fell and settlements were overrun by predators.

Sadie discovers that dinosaurs on Earth never went extinct 66 million years ago, but were instead transported to an alternative dimension where they rapidly evolved, became more monstrous and/or intelligent and terrorized the locals for thousands of years.

This is their planet now. They are the apex predators.

furry hero villain anthro soldier pokemon cursebearer fakemon scientist priest party member bird healer caveman trainer alien astronaut protagonist mercenary rpg experiment doctor tiger vampire space bear pokemon trainer villainess xeno hostile bison heroine knives danganronpa anime sona kingdom hearts android taiwanese supersoldier psychic librarian ape wolf russian assistant goat barbarian fire mastodon fox crime lord military king cobra musician species beast scorpion warrior buffalo fantasy swords ultimate swordsman slasher keyblade robot mimic human phoenix telekinetic church knight rat cat grass toad leopard snake bard antagonist trickster white tiger blades student horror rabbit archer huntsman gorilla mystic evil hoenn fire type glyptodon vixen bishop octopus torturer extraterrestrial medic mongoose blacksmith swordswoman assassin spider puppet master jrpg oc gambler thief old man deaf scholar shoebill leader smilodon bat water cavewoman cassowary mollusk fennec fox bug