
You feel your body shake, fear like a phantom waits; here we are in the heart of the darkness. Hold fast, we must be bra—


The World of Asturuel, a fantasy world full of various new creatures, terrains, plants, and everything alike! This project has been in progress since early 2021 and was originally inspired by the show,  The Shannara Chronicles, which then spread to the books and then the fantasy genre as a whole. There is a lot of lore behind the world and the characters that belong to it.




Is it still a home, when you're all alone?


This folder is meant to house any and all human characters that I have created over the years and in the future. Please note that a lot of these characters have yet to receive any form of art-based references and are often portrayed by real life models, actors, singers, and songwriters. Some have more backstory than others  and come with a lot of traumatic baggage - additional warnings may apply. 




This tear will never end.


This folder will house any and all characters who are underdeveloped; meaning they have no determined personality, may be unnamed, and have no placement in terms of roleplays or worlds. These characters will not be up for sale or offers unless it is explicitly mentioned in their biography of some form - most are generally located here for a short time.




I was soaring ever higher.


The following characters are all up for sale, trade, and/or may be listed as freebies. I generally do offer to adopt as I struggle with pricing my own designs; they are not necessarily first come, first serve (unless given a solid price). Comment on the character profile if you are interested in purchasing them. I do not own the linearts used, only most of the designs that have been created.




Feral Wolf Canine Galatas Wolf OC Dog Disowned Bloodline Sale The World of Asturuel UFO offer Story OTA sale Offers ufo Bloodline Adoptable World of Asturuel Offer