Animus Order

The Animus Order


"Tag line."

【 Synopsis 】

Deuro, the last living member of a group known as the Animus Order, struggles with the tragic loss of his fellow order members at the hands of an extremely dangerous phantasm known as Nova. He vows to not let anyone else face the dangers of the phantasms he and the others once did. Even if he has to run himself into the ground to do it.

Fate has other plans though as he’s forced to take in an odd group of new recruits. Maybe if he’s lucky with their help he can finish what his order started.

【 Lore 】

Origins/Current State of the Order

The Animus Orber is a group that traces its origin back to ancient times when the primordial beast still roamed, awake. They were the most powerful spell casters in the land, brought together with the goal of either killing or incapacitating the beast. They soon realized that only the latter was possible. It was a hard fought battle but finally they succeeded and put the beast to sleep; hopefully for good.

The order remained together in order to keep up the magic seals that bound the beast to sleep. Naturally this meant they were the first to notice the appearance of the phantasms. They began to switch their focus to start defending the people from this new threat. Not only by fighting them off themselves, but teaching others how to fight them.

During its peak the order saw hundreds maybe even thousands of members. Though as the threat of the phantasms began to seemingly decrease over time their numbers thinned significantly. Today there is only one compound left that houses a small team.


Magic is commonplace on Terra. It’s woven into the very soul of the world. As such magic is based in the natural things of the world. From the raw forces of nature, to things as simple as creating a gentle breeze. These more primal forces have been refined into a wide variety of things as magic users have perfected their craft. Though access to the raw form of elements are still required in order to use magic. You may not create fire in a place with no oxygen to fuel it, in the driest of deserts you’d be hard pressed to find enough moisture to create water, in a place completely void of nature you may not call upon it to help you, and these are only a few examples.

Almost anyone can perform magic, given the right training, but those with natural affiliations for it will always be stronger. Typically someone with an affinity for magic will a stronger connection to one sort of magic, this being some sort of element (ie. fire, ice, wind, ect.). Usually small feats of magic are used for everyday tasks. One only trains to use their magic for combat if they intend to do something that would require them to use magic offensively. Things such as joining the military, private security, and becoming a member of the Animus Order. Though of course there are always exceptions to this, whether good or bad.

【 Characters 】

Main Cast


Animus Order Leader


Main Antagonist


Animus Order Recruit


Animus Order Recruit


Animus Order Recruit


Animus Order Remnant

Side Characters

【 Terminology 】

【 Phansasm 】

The dreams of the Primordial Beast given life through its overwhelming power. They must sustain themselves on the life energy of living things in order to survive. For quick reference they are split into several classes. The higher the class, the rarer and more dangerous they are.

-N1 class: rather harmless and more annoying than anything. They have physical form and only animalistic thought processes.

-N2 class: more prone to causing harm. They are more likely to attack farm animals or the like rather than a person. They have physical form and animalistic thought processes.

-N3 class: known to target people. This class tips firmly into the deadly category. They attack with more strategy than the lower classes, though aren't as intelligent as a person. They still have physical form, mostly.

-REM class: This class should be avoided by any untrained fighter. Typically left to the animus order to deal with because of the danger they pose. They are cunning and do not have physical form. This makes all non magical attacks against them useless.

-Lucid class: The only class capable of speech, that can be understood by non phantasms, and they are known to command other phantasms. They are extremely dangerous even to the trained professionals of the animus order. They are incredibly rare, but hard to deal with once they become established. Due to their smarts they are able to do this typically without notice.


【 The Primordial Beast 】

A creature that is said to be as old as the world itself. Today it is kept in a deep sleep so that it doesn't destroy the world. The origins of the animus order lie in the original sealing of the beast. It is so powerful though that its dreams have a habit of coming to life as it sleeps. No amount of magic seals seem to be able to stop this.


【 Remnant 】

A creature born from a lucky, or unlucky depending on your perspective, stroke of magic. A combination of the small remains of souls bound together after a terrible accident or tragic end. These creatures are typically violent due to their unnatural state of being, so many conflicting creatures shouldn't be in the same body after all. More rarely they can be of a more neutral temperament. A remnant being of clear enough mind to understand who it was and what it is now is practically unheard of.


【 The Animus Order 】

A group of powerful magic users that trace their origins all the way back to when the Primordial Beast still roamed the world. They protect the world from the threats of the phantasms and on rarer occasions, remnants.


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