CHRONLCAL's Bulletins !!

:D forced myself to learn about perchance and its plugins for a few hours straight then boom!

it is still very much a WIP and there isn’t much but i really wanted to share it (and my rambles) because i’m happy with how it’s turning out so far!  (i might make it a “character” resource so people can catch updates >w>)

it also has some grammar mistakes but shhshhhh this thing is like 3 days old

it’s a very basic one where it gives you the name, appearance and skills if any!  plus their voice/talking style for fun.  if it were just the names, this would’ve been done quicker but i decided to make the generator “read” the name given!  which….,,. actually pains me so very much because i have to THINK oh my GOD

i enjoy both the traditional and lyrical naming system but i ALSO like having the definitions of their names u_u <3  so why not spice up my generator like that?

for some unfamiliar prefixes, i gave some hint as to what they are too!  e.g. kite- as in the bird!  or roach- as in the fish (and not the bug, which would be cockroach instead)!

with the exception of suffixes like fur/pelt/stripe, most of the suffixes have multiple explanations; usually for their personality (both good and bad) and their skills !!!!  if they’re synonymous, they get the same explanations lmao (like -flower and -bloom)

just for an example, the suffix -eye!  cats with the -eye suffix are very observant which can make them empathetic OR manipulative.  skill-wise, they are excellent trackers/hunters (like how birds use their eyes to pinpoint faraway prey).  or maybe they got some funky eyes idk lol.  you could use all of it or just one of it, up to youuuuuu

i do want to add genders/pronoun sets like demi-girl/boy (and maybe like one neopronouns) but the way i coded it currently is a bit screwy…… i did find a solution for it !!!  but that will come a little later because i have to edit a lot and i’m knee deep in this……. ah and maybe also an option for mate/s/no mates hmm

alternating pronouns is IMPOSSIBLEEEEEEEE but i did add the mates option tehehe

if you somehow manage to generate your oc’s name, let me know if it’s accurate ???!  or if it’s different (and how) ?!??  i’d love to hear!  ;3c  or maybe if you have questions about why i made a suffix [this] or [that]?

i also may or may not made certain silly names possible………. mountaindew, anyone?

OH and if anyone wants to share suggestions for prefix/suffixes, i’m all EARS……. especially if you can come up with explanations for them….,,..

ok tysm for reading and checking my generator <3 <3 <3 CHRONK OUT

(excuse any grammar mistakes on this; i am typing on mobile + i have acrylic nails on LMAO)

*slaps bulletin* I MADE A SHORT PMV

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by CHRONLCAL

pmv, simv, WHATEVER come and have a looksy !!!! <3333  i finished this in three days but it's real sketchy anyways... at least i finished an actual animatic/pmv that's been rummaging my mind orz

i probably won't made another "lyrical" video because editing it is hell but this........... this fuels my brain.  so we will see.  maybe a small one for my kitties as well...

heed the content (+ flashing lyrics) warning !!!  death appears like 7 secs into the video !!!!  


totally optional but pspspspsps let me know what you think the story is (either here or on the yt comments is okat)???  it's pretty straightforward ( some lyrics included) all that's missing is extra context and i'd like to read people's interpretations of what happened.... :D


i have FOUR cat ych's! | PINGS OPEN

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by CHRONLCAL


16 Votes *dances with u*
19 Votes *dances but breaks smth in the process*
4 Votes *stares at u*

how do you title these things...... i'm always so nervous when it comes to bulletins.... anyways i finished all my owed custom codes and now i DRAW

uhh i thought about spicing up my busts for feral characters by having them in foliage so i made a couple sketches as a trial.... but i think it'd be pretty wicked if i host them as YCH's before i might open commissions later teehee :}  i swear i wanna open them and i am very happy with everyone's interest in them!!

idk how to format these so i'll just spew out the info:

here's what they look like! four (4) of them!

[ Details ]
  • can be felines (doesn't have to be "warrior cats") or canines; ask for any other similar creatures
  • ok with most fur length / body shape + sizes / accessories as will as small additions such as horns (wings are 100% okay for YCH D, as they'll be simplified!)
  • you can choose any 1–2 flowers/plants but do note that i may simplify it (ovo)
  • expressions can 100% change (e.g. YCH A can make a lil smirk instead of crying or YCH B can have their eyes open haha);
  • idk.. there can be blood if you want lol
  • YCH D can have any simple background (solid colour, abstract, pride flag [you gotta link me an image of the flag pls], etc) but its general expression is fixed (but i can open its eyes/eyebrows hehe)
  • complex markings will have a $5–10 fee; you can ask if it applies before you fill out a form
  • timeframe range is 1 day to 2 months
  • taking USD via PayPal, ko-fi, OR DeviantArt Points ($1 = 100 pts)!
  • week-ish holds are a okay! 👌 
  • general TOS here 

[ Slots ]
YCH A (sad/grieving one) — $15


YCH B (happy one) — $15


YCH C (flower crown) — $30


YCH D (flower in mouth icon) — $10


[ form ]
please comment or DM below with the form!
YCH Type:
expression change?: (if not specified, i'll follow the original ych hehe)
other details/design notes:
payment method: paypal | kofi | da points

FCFS, unless i feel like i can not do the character accurately :3c if there's a lot of interest, i'll consider opening up more slots so feel free to ask for YCH pings

2 slots per user please!  lmk if you have any questions nvn)b

ty for reading, having interest, or just supporting!! <3

looking for CSS testers! (closed ty!)

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by CHRONLCAL

may i give u the title of being my tester? 🥺

25 Votes yes but violetly
14 Votes yes but gently
6 Votes i just wanna see the results ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

found enough people for feedback but you're still welcome to vote!

old theme jumpscare


anyways, if you sniff snoofed my account for a long while, you'll know that you get to see some new coding (on random characters) every once and a while.  last night-ish, i revamped one of my CSS and i'm really excited to share it as a F2U !! (but..... frankly, the only F2U CSS i will do because i'm treating this as a test run)

the css can be seen here (but with more tweaks done) !!

it's simple, sharp-bordered and mostly a theme retheme... but!  it's a baby!!  you can't expect too much from a babey (uvu)9

the only requirements is that:

  1. you have access CSS (duh lol) and
  2. already know how to edit HTML/CSS
    (only if you want to make extensive changes; no need to touch if not needed)

the raw coding will be given, like, everything.  not as a import link (just for now, i'm just a bit lazy)!  but it will have comment guides like my usual coding work!  this works on both character AND user profiles!  just not worlds (but??  i think i can get it to work with a few touch ups tbh?  either way, it's a no for worlds haha)

what i want you to do: find anything i missed out (like on mobile or layout breaking or something idk lol)!  or potentially messed up with the colours because i've only used the white bg + dark text combo.  granted, i probably won't colour the lesser used bootstrap colours but i will do my best

simple html should still work but i might've messed up colouring bits somewhere e_e

and that's all!  sorry for the ramble, just comment if you're interested in testing it for me and i'll dm ya after i finish up some details :D  either here or gimme your discord, idm lol (and don't be too sad if you missed out, like i said, it's going to be a F2U so everyone will have access eventually :3c)

UHHH also i forgot to ask properly in my previous bulletins but if you're okay with me sliding into your dm's for future testing (either HTML or CSS, depending on your account), please vote in the poll :'D <3  if i get a lot, i'll probably lean towards mutuals but either way, you guys get to be VIP's like how cool is that, c'mon

purge (anthro + ferals + freebies) !

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by CHRONLCAL

points at new css

25 Votes chronk...... house... ?!?!

edit: deleting completed requests to keep this clean! <3

been wanting to do this for a while *dances*  from both here and from my sales account :3c

i just need to double check that i didn't miss any asks for pings so sit wait when you comment on this bulletin!

the purge

general things you can offer: usd/da points > art > characters

here's la links:

just some infos:

  • ignore any nft/s tag (or painful character infos; its all outdated and makes me sad to read like what was younger me on LMAOO)
  • if there is the worth listed on the character, expect that is as the AB (unless it is the brought value, then that is the SB)!  you might also find it in the gallery/first artwork or comments or ownership tab.  otherwise, you can ask away!
  • if there are ship art between characters, you are welcome to hide/private it
    • you are totally welcome to offer for both characters that are in a relationship which are:
      • sabra/hasna
      • sedge/thicket
      • thyme/dead
      • pine/spider
  • if there's barely an art piece by me, i will literally accept any art of your equal value (e.g. coloured sketch for a coloured sketch) UNLESS you are open to me making the full design on a base (and if i am not busy, i will do a drawn one)!!
  • some are family/related so if you're not choosing to not get them together, you accept that there are similar designs
    • silvertail + ripperfur (brothers)
    • tbn and touma (both have the snake tattoo so you can remove it or change it lol)
no character limit on how much you can offer on/take!

if there is css, a profile codes, links and worlds with the character, i will remove it upon transfer UNLESS you ask me to keep it; the only exception is that if it is a P2U code/css to which i must delete ^^  same for my watermark but my apologies if i forget to do so


you can comment on this bulletin to claim them because they only have a small piece done (bust, heatshot, etc.) and i'm too lazy to whip up a full ref! ;;  i might have older sketches to upload and find before sending tho, so excuse me if i go inactive for a few moments when i reply lmao:

thanks for reading!  ask away if you need clarification!

found testers!

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by CHRONLCAL

code name is 'Pseudo', what's a fun alt name? :D

15 Votes local toyhouse user discovers flex-grow and goes ballistic
6 Votes it's not cheating if it works (points to image headers)
0 Votes UH feel free to comment funny names <:3c <3

edit 2: ^_^

edit: found two people!!  thanks yee !! <3 <3 <3

if you saw the original, no <3

it's this code particularly (with minor additions to the personality section and a completed question section)!!  so ask here or in dms if you're interested! <333

this is warrior cats based but i will make a 'general' version later nvn)b  you ofc can edit things out for your character

i have a blank version ready for two people to test, as well as written instructions for how to get the image headers or if you want to change it to normal text; if you're chosen, you get to keep the code for free (i've said before that it'd be $3 but since it went from...... 500 lines to 2000+, it will be set to $5 with the option to tip)!

not asking for you to fill out everything, especially if you don't have the info ready!!!  i clearly don't !!!!!!   lorem spam that bitch !!

i'm just wondering if everything is easy to use/understand, and if you can add/remove sub sections if need be :D  and i guess if anything looks weird/squished if the info is more than the default

that being said.....

  • you will need experience with editing html codes with a code editor (either circlejourney's or toyhouse's).  toggling 'Disable WYSIWYG' isnt enough !!!
    • i don't think this is complex by any means (yay for no stinky tabs), but it's lengthy to high hells
    • features images coded with the <div> and <img>, and a music click-to-play; please refrain from asking if you tend to have trouble with these !! T–T
  • if you use CSS, edit the code WITHOUT your global CSS.  
    • if you do, any error that comes with the html and css looking weird is simply because they're not compatible, tis all
  • don't add a background, it is not made with an image background in mind

i would like a response (via th dm) before 25th May 12–2PM AEST pleaseee :D <3

( this is a first time i'm feeling this tbh.  not sure why i'm so paranoid with this code; probably because it's a P2U but still ???? )

27 march is me birthday (//∇//)🎉

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by CHRONLCAL

now give me a dollar each 🔪

ay 17 → 18!  a bit sad that i can no longer flex my age in uni classes though lol _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

i don’t massively celebrate my birthday so we’re just going to a restaurant in the morning and maybe the arcade? >:3c

i also reached 405 subs on this account so i’m thinking about doing an art raffle later!!  not sure of the details yet but it’s in the progress 🌚💖  ty for the support everyone!!!!!


edit: i can't reply to everyone without the ol copy and paste but i want to thank everybody for the birthday wishes!!  love you all !!!!!!! <333
for those that bullied me for being 18, you're getting BLOCKED   /j

cmere to be added to my pinglist for comms :]

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by CHRONLCAL

vote to be pinged when i open me commissions hehe

25 Votes bonk!

pretty much!  i had some people ask so i might as well make a public announcement nvn)9  those who have already asked are already on it, don't worry!

oh yeah and i'm making a new carrd for comms to replace my current one xwx  everything is still in progress (might replace the lists with tables idk), i haven't added all of my options and prices for scenes are a HUGE wip...

wink wonk feel free share your comm sheets so i can see what works????

you're welcome to offer feedback on the layout!  thank you for the interest <3