
Actea is a world rich in lore, magic, and people.

The biggest landmass, known as the Mainland, or Meza, is home to many an interesting people and the most corrupt government. The Mezan Government has annexed all of the mainlanda as well as several surrounding areas. Few remain truly independant from the ever watchful gaze of the government.

The second biggest landmass is Nepara. While partly under the influence of the Mezan Government, it remains independant.

The archipelago of Magia is another mostly independant nation. A few islands have been annexed by the Mezan Government.

Mallumo is the third biggest landmass and the most sought after by the Mezan Government. Mallumo gets roughly one to three hours of sunlight a day depending on the time of year though during the summer the sun won't be seen for months. Mallumo has a rough history with Meza and is actively fighting the mainland, for themselves and other nations.

Solaris is similar in size to Mallumo, though it makes its home far to the north. In contrast to Mallumo, Solaris is a land of sunlight. Rarely does the sun set upon this bright nation. The Solarians are rather secretive and refuse to interact with most of the world, so not much is known about the nation.

Drakus Froad CS stardragon Stardragon Actea Troll Cauldaian froad Common baestil Closed Species cs Pokemon rivers Uncommon Rare ufs Orboras closed species