

Heya, thanks so much for visiting! Have fun looking around at my kiddos.

Below the spoiler is a tag legend which you can utilize for easier browsing if you wish. Almost all of my characters are up for offers to some extent. Feel free to ask about anybody, I don't mind, but NFT does mean NFT. Their rank will be present on their profile assuming it's completed, but if not it'll definitely be in their tags. A guide to my tagging system is below and you should definitely read it if you're looking to offer!

Species = Will be listed under a general term (i.e., "bat") as well as specific species if applicable (i.e., "hoary bat")!

F = Just take them (DOES NOT MEAN FREE. Free charas will be listed as such!)

E = Easy

D = Medium

C = Difficult

B = Very difficult

A = Borderline NFT

NFT = Strictly not for trade!

CS = Closed species

Personal = this character is personal to me for one reason or another

Comfort character = this character is associated with some sort of feeling, typically used for vent art or helping to improve my mood

To be redesigned = self-explanatory, needs a redesign

Stylize = needs to be tweaked to fit into my style; basically a "to-draw" list for myself

Needs ref = needs a (more legible) reference sheet

Needs anthro form = self-explanatory, for ferals that need to be turned anthro or given a second anthro form

Fandom tags (i.e., Gravity Falls, Pokemon) = characters either a part of said fandom or inspired by said fandom, sometimes very subtly.

Common Tags: