Chocolatewoosh's Bulletins

No Art Fight for me this year!!

Posted 3 days, 10 hours ago by Chocolatewoosh

Obligatory WHICH TEAM ARE YOU??? Question

19 Votes Team SEAFOAM!
25 Votes Team STARDUST!
1 Votes Team I'm Just Spectating!
0 Votes Team What's An Art Fight

Just as the title says! Just in case you guys haven't seen my Tumblr/Art Fight pages, in which I announced this a lil bit ago. I won't be doing Art Fight!!!! Apologies to the lovely folks who in particular looked forward to drawing me something for the event this year, since I had a few people reaching out and asking about that. 

I just don't want a repeat of last year!!!! I received so much beautiful, delightful artwork and yet wasn't able to give back in any form. And that just doesn't sit right with me. I KNOW the whole point of the event is to just sit back and relax and doodle people's ocs while they lovingly doodle yours, but I've unfortunately had a few people not-so-subtly in the past nudge me looking for revenges in the past, and so now AF has kind of become a lil stressful. Which is super silly! So I've decided to just step back this year and watch everyone and cheer on from the sidelines. :]

All that being said though, here's my Art Fight page in case anybody wants to follow! I still very much love Art Fight, but this year I think I just wanna relax.

Take care and have a wonderful July, everybodyyy!! Good luck to both teams!!! :D (If I had to choose, though, I think I'd be team Seafoam....) 

Thank you for your time, and have a lovely day!!!


Howdy folks! As the title reads- the Foxtopus community is hosting a big event surrounding and supporting Palestine, in which you can get prizes for participating- but most importantly, it should inspire others like yourself to do your daily clicks (All you have to do is go to this website and click a big ol button! That's it!), to check the ever developing news on the situation, and if you can, donate! Please do not forget about Palestine. At the very least, keep talking about this and spread the word!!

Please consider looking into Foxtopi's Palestine Support Event!

Foxtopus will be hosting an E-sims for Gaza style fundraiser event ( from May 1st to June 1st, in which you can redeem E-sim donations for MYO packages!

During this time, it is important to keep the topic of Palestine on the forefront as journalism becomes more and more scarce.

Here are just a few resources we would like you to help spread in support of Palestine!

Thank you for your time, and take care out there. From the river to the sea 🇵🇸


Posted 2 months, 19 days ago by Chocolatewoosh


31 Votes yes !
6 Votes NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

comment below with your own Original Character for a chance to WIN

win WHAT? win an ART by YOURS TRULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!1 (me)
that will definitely be super high quality and good looking and nice and DEFINITELY not a super shitty sketch thrown together in like 4 seconds tops

I'll get to drawing sometime later today after I'm off work. COMMENT NOW!! DO IT!!!!!!!1

thank u for ur time and I hope you had a Lovely April Fools

What're your thoughts on raffles...?

Posted 2 months, 22 days ago by Chocolatewoosh

Would you be interested in a raffle from me? :]

8 Votes Yes, but only if it's a free art raffle
1 Votes Yes, but only if it's a free character design raffle
31 Votes Yes, I'm interested regardless
2 Votes No thank you, I'm not interested

I've been considering doing one of them fancy raffles as a thanks to You lovely people for hanging around and enjoying my work, but I'm not sure which kind of raffle to do! The easy answer would be an art raffle, since no doubt a lot of the people who follow me are here for the art I make! But I think it'd be super fun to do a lil character design raffle too, where I make a Little Fella and then do one of those Draw To Enter raffles, but I'm not too sure if anybody would be interested in that...... SO hence this bulletin! :D

I'm not sure if I'll be doing anything any time soon, BUT I'd like to make this poll/bulletin anyhow, Take Notes and then do some Considerations for the future... 👀 

Anyhoo, tell me your thoughts! Do you like/prefer how certain raffles are done? Have you seen a raffle method in the past that you thought Sucked Ass? Tell me!! Or don't!!!! Totally valid to just vote in the poll and immediately run screaming outta here you do you. Thank you for your time and thank u for being here I hope you have a LOVELY day :D

RAFFLE! (Not Mine)

Posted 3 months, 20 hours ago by Chocolatewoosh

You know how it goes folks!!!!!!!!!!!! There's a handful of cute lovely characters here that would be delightful to have if possible so I'm entering the fray!! Seeing as there's like 500 people participating though I highly doubt I'll be one of the lucky individuals, BUT I'd still like to try, anyhow!!! >:D

⭐ Check it out here if you're interested!! ⭐
(I highly recommend following the artist in general honestly they make SUCH cool designs!!)

While I'm here, though, unrelated to the raffle above, but I've been playing a ton of Stardew Valley since the big update came out yesterday!! :D Do you play the game and If So; have you played the update yet?? Are you having a Blast????? I just discovered that broccoli is now in the game (my favourite vegetable) so I'm losing my Marbles I'm gunna grow so much got dam broccoli 🥦 oh 🥦 my 🥦 god 🥦


Anyhow- thanks for stopping by, even though this bulletin is Silley and was mostly made just for raffle shenanigans, I appreciate you being here anyway. :D Hope you have a delightful rest of your day/night!!

A Curious TH Question..!! (Anonymous Poll!)

Posted 4 months, 25 days ago by Chocolatewoosh

Based on the example, how do you feel?

16 Votes Content / Ok
25 Votes Don't really care / Indifferent
11 Votes Sad / Disappointed
1 Votes Angry / Frustrated

You've come across a character you have sold/traded ages ago to someone, and their profile is completely empty! How does this make you feel..? 
For the sake of this example, if it helps you decide... Let's say that the character is one that you designed, still has their original ref but no new art. The character was created over a year ago. Sorted into a folder full of other characters much the same- with empty profiles, minus a few- but the folder they're contained in is called something like "Beloveds/Dreamies/Story" or something like that. The character has tags that indicate they wouldn't trade them again and people shouldn't ask.

Since I can't quite type out the full question in the title of the poll OR the bulletin cuz it's too long... I'll ask it here instead! :D Apologies for any confusion. I'm super curious about what people think- and if you have any further thoughts on the matter feel free to comment below!! I'd love to hear what you guys think. :] Also to clarify this isn't based on anything/anyone I PROMISE I've just been thinkin' about this for a while. Everybody has such unique thoughts on ToyHouse Ediquette so I thought it'd be neat to see what people think :D

As for myself, I don't think I'd care/mind all that much..? I know some people take very personal offence to seeing character profiles like that, but I'm someone that just uses TH as character storage, more or less, and thus I use my characters outside of TH and more often than not, away from the public eye! Not for any particular reason, that's just how it be, for me. So if I see an adopt of mine that's in much the same place as I described above, or even if they're made entirely private or something- I don't feel any which way about it. Who knows! Maybe this character is used a TON but just in private. It's not my character, so it's not my business anymore. Who am I to judge! But I can't deny it IS really cool seeing a character I designed with a properly put together profile description, a fleshed out story, background, a huge gallery, etc. The character feels very loved, that way!! I also know I'm VERY hands-off when it comes to character trading when a character leaves me, which is unlike most people on TH I feel! So I may be just an outlier here gjklNSFDKLJSFDfg

ANYHOW regardless- thanks for stopping by n checking out my bulletin!! :D Hope y'take care and have a lovely day folks

Foxtopus FREE MYO Event!!

Posted 5 months, 8 days ago by Chocolatewoosh

HOWDY HEY FOLKS you saw the title, so I won't keep you!! Head on over HERE to get yourselves a free Foxtopus MYO!! I can't recommend the species enough- it's like one of three species I'm quite involved in and love a LOT (and also I'm definitely totally not biased because I'm an art mod for them or anything cough) I'm not doing this to get anything either I just genuinely wanna boost this cuz I love this species :D

If you've never owned a Foxtopus before you can get a Rare MYO with a potential to get Legendary Trait addons, or if you HAVE owned one, you can get a common but with Rare trait addons!!! GO FORTH MY FRIENDS AND MAKE SOME FUNKY LITTLE FOX OCTOPUS CREATURES..!!!! This ends TOMORROW so zOOM FAST (but the slots don't expire so no worries)



Posted 6 months, 22 days ago by Chocolatewoosh

YEEHOO EVERYBODY CHECK IT OUT this absolutely Delightful individual whomst arts and designs I wholly adore is having a BIRTHDAY RAFFLE!!! Where you can get ART or even a CUSTOM!!!! I have gotten two lovely customs and a commission from Gene in the past, and would SUPER recommend Gene's fantastic work!!!!!!! Not even just for the sake of Free Arts I'm just Wholeheartedly suggesting you look at Gene's stuff ok maybe check out the awesome stories he's workin' on DO IT 


If you've ever enjoyed my characters Bertley or Fuse or [REDACTED] then all credit goes to Gene for their designs!!!! And you could get one TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway that aside hello thank u for stoppin' by as always, and I hope you have a Delightful rest of your day/night :D

AMOEBUDS! Free MYO Event!!

Posted 7 months, 24 days ago by Chocolatewoosh

Hmm..... Spooky?

4 Votes YES!!! Spooky!!!!!!!!!
0 Votes No.... No spooky..........
1 Votes Huh

HEYO!! I've seen a couple other people recommend this closed species- and it looks SUPER fun!!!! :D Love the vibe, and the designs look like they're a ton of fun to draw! (I simply had to draw their mascot, Dr. Hopps) They're called Amoebuds, and they currently have a free MYO event going on!! Check it out here to potentially get one yourself! :] 

I hope y'all are having a super fun spookytacular weekend!!!!

HALLOWEEN GACHA (I contributed 7 designs!!)

Posted 7 months, 26 days ago by Chocolatewoosh

What're you doin' for Halloween?

4 Votes Nothin much!
6 Votes Watching scary movies, playing scary games, etc
1 Votes Going out with friends!
5 Votes Staying home and giving out candy!

Howdy hey folks- and happy spooky Halloween week!! >:D I am positively delighted to say I've been warmly welcomed back as guest artist again this year for the Foxtopus Halloween Gacha!! Last year I contributed two stellar designs, though THIS year however, I somehow managed to brain blast out SEVEN designs for this gacha!! And goodness am I ever proud of them!!!!! ;u; I can't WAIT for you guys to see them!! 

This year I designed 3 CW (cuttlewish) designs, and 4 USD designs! CW is in-game currency, and can be earned through participating in the species. The CW designs will be going up October 28th, and the USD designs will be going up in a separate gacha later, on October 31st! This is an absolutely MASSIVE gacha with 141 designs created, all in all!! If you haven't already, you can check out the official news post bulletin HERE with all the info you need for the gacha, including exact times they'll be going live!

Should any of you participate in the gacha yourself and happen to get one of my designs- just like last year, I'd love to extend an offer that I'll draw either a chibi, or an icon/bust of the character you won, if they're my design!! Just gimme a poke and tell me what you'd like and I shall make it so. :] Free of charge!!

👻 Anyhow, without further ado- here's the sneak peek of the designs I made!! Good luck with those participating in the gacha, and have a safe 'n happy Halloween!!!! 🎃61814877cd2f72b6ad02f3db87796d5635743ff6

The bottom three "chibi" characters are for the CW gacha, while the four topmost characters are for the USD gacha!!