
Characters in this folder will be used as random events for giveaways, raffles, and so on. Most events take place on the CloverCoin Patreon at the $10 events tier. All events are hosted on the Cloverse Discord.

clovercoin closed species clo feral cloverse LFO pillowing pillowingpile pillowing pile pillowings cs closedspecies clover coin Clover Army pokemon pkmn CS bananamantis Weaver Weavers Dragons pacapillars CloverCoin HEARTEYES pacapillar toripng lintlings dragon phloxebutt pacas Mantibabs Flint Dragon MYO lintling mantibab Pillowings Closed Species skippyskiddo owlcoholik mouse mice rat rats Paca rodents rodent babs dog crederia paca Flint Dragons canine base Bab Lintling bases Pillowing Cloverse ClosedSpecies cat unicorns bird Feral Lintlings Closedspecies unicorn birds bug Sushidogs pouflons insect furry resources bugs pouflon Clover Coin felines Sushidog Plush furries anthropomorphic Plushies draphibi Closed species feline anthros canines dogs Pacapillar Pacas Pillowingpile anthro insects emmygoatart deer Kub-e tyronniesaur Flints Batton Royal Flint Dragons Pillowing Pile original species horses Clovercoin Cats lintling arpg eqen f2u guestartist splice sushi dog Pillow Bat originalspecies equines lines Dogs Coukyo witchpaws Pacapillars Pillows Flint Bats tessary Clo cats resource equine line sushi dogs Felt Ferret beast beetles Phloxebutt rooks elnins poufs bixbyiter Balum machati Mouse animalcrossing foxes pikachu rabbit griffin worms cervine Skeeper Unicorn Bananamantis hawberries Clover beetle Cs beetlecorn closed speices Hossie Mice villagers giraffe lineart mundi felidae griffins fishyyllama Skeepers dyrnid Corda blanket bat beetlecorns strood clovers chaemir Rat crayonkat Clo Species villager plush fox avian fusions cow mundifelidae birdeer monkies horse oakbears soosh TeenyBeasts Crederia rook pouf stroods Balums CLOVER ARMY Rats Battons animal crossing pillow avians fusion cows meowth monkey worm Fishy People Bearsserts Moths Axolotl Jackalope fish bab Dyrnids fluke icarusis lucky chimes harpies hauket 11monsters Kwee Owls bower beast skydancers make your own floramisa Petalwyrms Woodlin Canterwits Beasts Amuloch Unicorns closed speceies leloko Kanti Engare Turtledog loppyrae miveil streudels owlkits oxxidian clover EmmygoatArt trainer pokemon trainer dragons flint dragons princess pumpkin Mascot animal crossing new leaf animal crossing pocket camp design character profile discord template pride flag espurr splices bovine bulls xchimeracandy road runner kakuna golem totoro cranes snake shiny ekans panda meowths ghastly mrmime clawed jackalope snow monkey holiday beedweeb garbodor mankey ampharos penguin moths big horn donkey oranges daycare pony my little ponies alolan vulpix awd Beetlecorn Pangopinos Misty Pup Pups Gargoyle Shotter smutty Mermaid Bearssert Mothdragon Landlotl frappalope fish mantibab Flukes aphaed Ferrets Burrdog occultic gargoyle spire flowerbuddies fairytale Hanari ropi Zingey Chime luminah myo list Snake sushicat canterwit Canters valenbeast Kipling InkxInk Volucrem raspberry flower critters Minkin Pouf Fishy weaver strudels octopus Ramuken bab failedmonster Duocore balums Toy npc royal flint dragon Frog flint flints gray Chanzajam spice pumpkinspice new leaf codes free chats flag pride flags owl Horse queerly yak bovines roadrunner zebstrika Beedweeb moss weasel reptile reptiles sharpedo redpanda jigglypuff golbat imp jackalope clawedjackalope snowmonkey holidays venonat parasites roadie kadabra rainbows bighornsheep donkies capybara pillows humming bird ponies seapony alolan african wild dog stag Beetlecorns Pangos Peacat Misty Pups Misty Sheep shark Shotters Feather Deer fish Bear spookybjorn suikuzu Landlotls merbab Clovers baebuoy Ferret Felt Ferrets monster beasts gargoyles kiroo withpaws royaltea weighted blanket cheepers Muttin yevren mothcat Snakes sooshes canter ClericCrow mantitbabs Kip LKiplings Elnin flower critter flowercritters minkins elnin Poufs Fishy Child weavers closespecies Ramu Mantibab Duocores arca Toybox pokemon oc Frogs flintdragon PillowingPile flint dragon Dragon rose kitty kitties Flowmeow pillowing-pile pixelatedmas acnl pocket camp code discord server templates owls highland cow yaks fakemon cresselia venus fly trap Emmygoatart giraffes crane ekans shiny pokemon nidorino pikachus wigglytuff mr mime imps rabbits jackalopes christmas parasite punk poliwrath penguins bighorn big horn sheep flamingo mascot hummingbird mlp alicorn alicorns alolanvulpix african wild dogs stags Pango Mackaroon Peacats Mist Fog Ram Otter Sharks Kirin Fishes Bears Moth Moth Dragon Rabbits Di Dyrnid Clover Patch phlxoebutt Chimes harpy monsters gylphy OMGProductions desiree-u plushes Owl bowerbeast skydancer Moana mothcats petalwyrm sushicats Fawnpuppy kitlit Albinosharky Manaberry Melon child flowercritter manaberry Muna FishyChild strudel streudel owlkit vessel-hub balum Emmygoat Bouncy Ball trainers pillowing npc amphibian Flintdragon blue Flowmeows pumpkins furry fandom acpc profile profiles chat pride flags vulpine ribombee bull oryx fake pokemon musharna fly trap stone ermine fearow snakes shiny pkmn red panda misdreavus gloom bunny bunnies ceriplume xmas dugtrio primeape dusknoir rainbow moth sheep kangaroo orange plushie my little pony merpony vulpix vulpixes jacobin Pangopino Birds fluffily Pup Rama pale Otters starryjoes