Contradictingparadox's Bulletins

Oc Spam

Posted 2 days, 3 hours ago by Contradictingparadox

Sorry for the incoming oc spam, I decided to bring back some old characters/use old ideas for 'new' characters yeahhh this is a lot of DC stuff. There was a reason why I stopped using these characters or idea ;v; but now I feel comfortable and I WANT to bring them back

adopt sale/clean out

Posted 1 month, 18 days ago by Contradictingparadox

reposting from dA

Heyo! I'm doing some changes to my Ko-Fi shop set up and I have a lot of unsold adopts which is going to make it a pain in the ass to edit all the set up so I'm having a massive sale on the pokemon themed outfit adopts. Depending on how things go I will move onto the other adopts I have but for now these ones have the most in terms of theme so if I can cut them down it would be fantastic

the discount is 50% the code is PKMN and only applies to the 'pokemon outfit' section of the shop

Shop Update

Posted 1 month, 25 days ago by Contradictingparadox

I have added more styles and adopts to the shop
If you are looking for adopts you will have to scroll for a bit to see the non-membership stuff. Membership tier adopts will be public at some point tomorrow. 

Old ocs revive

Posted 1 month, 29 days ago by Contradictingparadox

I've been thinking about some old character ideas I had mostly DC stuff because I've been on and off the DC fandom for over a decade now and I've been considering bringing some characters back? Now they won't look the same because their designs have been sold off and some aspects of their personality might change where I've grown in how I create characters.  This isn't limited to DC by the way but I'm curious if you have been following me for some time and if there is a character I've created you would like for me to bring back.

Some characters I'm considering:
Margret Rowe/ Banshee [likely will no longer be Banshee]
Roxy Hart/ Goldie [Might change her first and last name]
Jade Sullivan/ Papillon
Joanna Layden/Spade [might change her hero name and move fandoms]
Conductor [I don't recall the name I gave her just her hero name]

.v. if there are others you would like to see that are no longer on my TH let me know

LF: Oc's to draw [Master]

Posted 2 months, 3 days ago by Contradictingparadox

I post these once and a while so I decided to just do a master post

Please do not repost the same characters from the last post. I'm still working on those!

understand that these will be used for commission examples meaning your character might be drawn in various styles/mediums I will not disclose what style or medium as it can change depending on what I feel like drawing.

I do not have to draw your oc, these are considered as requests. I will be drawing them in whatever order I like. You can get something within 24 hours or 24 years :P 

This would be considered as a gift please do not use this artwork to increase the value of your oc should you sell them.

Characters can be male or female and they can be simple or heavily detailed.

Max of five characters per person. I know people sell off their characters so I will check frequently to see if you are still the owner :3

If your oc had a pairing/friend/sibling/ feel free to let me know. Sometimes I might draw character interactions. They won't count as the 'five' but instead as the 'notes'

Please keep your oc's like PG 16 I don't care if your TH page has 18+ stuff [I'm 29] but more for their main design :P this is more to do with my shops location. I might do an adult's bulletin so only those 18+ can see and request things but for now :P

How you will get your artwork.
Please make sure that the character is either public or that I can see them, I will post the illustration and request it to be a part of your oc's gallery :D

What I won't draw
I don't mind drawing a lot of things but here are a list of things I want some of these are pretty generic
-Loli/Shota con
- mechs or FNAF characters [they are too detailed and require a lot of work to draw them for free)
- Any ships with Alistar from Hazbin Hotel. I don't mind drawing friendship-related things. This goes for any aro-ace canons. I'm not talking about headcanons! this needs to be confirmed in the show/manga/book/movie/by the creator

Comment form:
Notes: [can add what characters they can be drawn with and important details]
Styles: [you can put styles you really like such as pixel,icons,illustration,anime,paintings,animation etc. Styles will vary but I will take in account of your preference] 

LF: Ocs to draw

Posted 2 months, 7 days ago by Contradictingparadox

heyo looking to experiment with a more anime-ish style so Im looking for ocs to draw
can be male or female. Right now I'm looking for 9 ocs in total ;v; I would say only link me two ocs max per person

>:V thanks to mage I'm doing these again! like I said I loved doing them on dA when they were going around!



1) Pick 6 characters in any order

2) Don't change the questions

3) Please don't look at the questions while picking characters, it's more fun if you don't!

4) Tag 2-5 people to do the meme (if you want)

5) Have fun! _______________________


1: Bruce

2: Gilbert

3: Violet

4: Ginger

5: Murry

6: Edward


1:  5 [Murry] is deeply missing someone. Who is it and why are they so important?

As Murry is just a puppet body he does live for a very long time. He attaches himself to a human that draws his eye simply because they are entertaining.
In the present day, that's HaintSoul oc Slate. He finds the hot mess of a man interesting to watch and talk with. Although he would never admit that as to avoid feeding Slate ego. He is kind of fond of the troublemaker as he keeps Mur on his toes which takes him out of his dull daily routine. As Murry can't leave the bar grounds he does get a bit bothered if he hasn't seen his favourite human in some time.

For Watchword he hasn't picked a human during this era that he likes, he simply is helping the cast to prevent something larger from happening that could ruin his fun. Although he seems to be very fond of Ginger.

The problem with Murry is when he is 'missing' someone it's because he is missing the chaos/fun they bring not the person themselves. He views humans in the same way one would view a pet. The humans he likes are simply 'cute distractions' Humans are not 'important' to him because he views himself to be above all people. If something happens to his favourite person of the week he moves on to the next with little care.


2: Who could make 1 [Bruce] do anything for them if they asked? (Does not have to be your OC)

Easy question! Violet. Despite their rocky relationship and problems, they need to deal with them as a couple. Violet is his childhood friend and first crush. She is something special to him. He has an absolute love for this woman and would do anything for her even if it went against his moral compass [this is not something she would ever ask of him] He wants to do anything and everything to prove he can be worthy of her love but he is also dense because the feelings are not one-sided but his vices and her lacking to communicate with him is what is keeping the relationship from progressing 


3: Would 6 [Edward] have the guts to kill 2 [Gilbert]? Explain your answer.

without hesitation! Edward believes Gilbert is the reason why Henry has gone missing so yeah.. not much to explain. 


4: A science experiment goes wrong and 1 [Bruce] gets approximately 24 hours left to live. What will 1 [Bruce] do?

Bruce wouldn't tell anyone his time is limited but there would be a big change, he would spend the mornings with Ginger this isn't out of the norm he likes to have his coffee and breakfast with her. Even suggests they take the day off work so nothing is getting in his way of spending time with those he cares about in his life.
the afternoon he would spend with Gilbert debating and playing cards he would be direct with Gilbert letting him know his flaws [so he doesn't make the same mistake with Ginger as Bruce has done with Violet] but also letting Gilbert know he is one of his dearest friends and is happy to know him.
The evening would be spent with Violet, she is the last person he wants to see before he dies he would lay everything out for her. He knows she's going to move on when he is gone, in fact he wants that. He wouldn't want Violet to hold onto something that's to late to happen and in the early hours of the following morning he will find himself sitting on the docks waiting to die.


5: 3 [Violet's] birthday had come up and 4[Ginger] gave 3[Violet] a gift. But, turns out [Violet]. What will happen next?

The only way I can see this happening is if it was a miscommunication of some kind and Ginger thought Violet would like something. Much like Bruce, Ginger had known Violet since she was a kid so they have a healthy and solid friendship as adults. So I can't see Violet being rude to Ginger, yeah Violet is your generic wealthy woman but she isn't rude to someone who meant well but would be honest that it's not really a gift she would have asked for but does love the fact Ginger thought of her regardless. Ginger would be sad not because she disliked the gift but because she failed at being a good friend and should have gone with something a bit safer. Regardless Violet would keep the gift if it's something she could use/wear she is going to because Ginger took the time to buy her something she thought she would like. Ginger would insist she doesn't need to and could simply return it for something else Violet may like however Violet would insist on keeping it because it was a gift from a friend. 


6: What will 5 [Murry] become when he/she grows up? Any achievements 5 [Murry] is planning to achieve?

So here is the thing Murry was never a child and will never age he is a Outer God sorta what you see is what you get. Murry does have his own ambitions which haven't changed since his creation. To bring about chaos for his own amusement unlike his kin he doesn't want to destroy everything in existence he simply wants to drive people to the point of madness or to their breaking point. With humans, he is fascinated with how unpredictable they can be poor becoming rich, kind becoming evil, on who can take on the world and win. He doesn't know what to expect so over all his plan is just to kinda create chaos and see what happens


7: 6 [Edward] going out shopping with 2[ Gilbert] and he/she offers to buy 6 [Edward]. What is it?

Okay so this would be long before the Watchword case because the two were friends/partners at one point. Gilbert would likely buy Edward lunch or maybe a drink? They wouldn't be shopping together that is for sure but I can see them meeting up to chat about their work and Gilbert being nice enough to treat Edward to lunch. This would also be acceptable if the roles were switched Edward would also buy Gilbert lunch. 


8: 4 [Ginger] is extremely close friends with 3[Violet] is anyone jealous?

This is in canon to Watchword the girls are friends and have been for many years, more so bonding after Bruce went off to war no one is jealous. Although Bruce worries about what they could gossip about. 


9:  4 [Ginger] and 1 [Bruce] are on a boat and 1 [Bruce] decides to go swimming. Yet something caught 1[ Bruce] and now 1 [Bruce] is starting to drown! 4 [Ginger] notices, but does 4 [Ginger] help 1 [Bruce]?

So here is the thing something similar does happen to Bruce and Ginger buckle up it's going to be a long ride.
At that time Ginger was a nanny to the Copperfield family but her relationship with ten-year-old Bruce wasn't very good he would go out of his way to try and get her to leave or get her fired as he felt Ginger was too bossy and was quick to catch him causing trouble. Bruce and his brothers would swim in the lake near the house Bruce being the youngest his brothers were responsible for looking after him however one day he simply didn't surface and the Copperfield boys went to get Ginger. Acting quickly Ginger tells the boys to get the doctor and she went right to the lake, again wasn't that far it was right in their backyard. As a Vox of Dagon she wasn't to worried about drowning herself and was able to rescue and revive Bruce by using magic. Magic in the world of Watchword comes at a painful price for Ginger she bleeds from her nose and she had used so much poor Bruce woke up to see a very blood Ginger who later passed out from using too much magic. She awoke in her bed at the house and a crying Bruce who thought she was going to die and was now scared Ginger would leave after what happened. Ginger assures Bruce she isn't going anywhere and she hit her face off the dock trying to get him out of the water to put him at ease. After that, Bruce was a little less of a handful for Ginger.

So in short Ginger would risk everything to save Bruce if he was drowning she has the ability to do so with ease and Bruce is like a son to her, even more so during the time of the Watchword case they are the only family they each have left. 


10: 2 [Gilbert] and 5 [Murry] are in the same room, with the lights off. 1[Bruce] walks in. What is their reaction?

Considering Murry cannot leave the grounds of the bar and both Murry and Gilbert are decent friends. Bruce would very likely assume Murry didn't pay for the power bill OR something happened and Gilbert is helping Murry fix the power outage so likely indifferent.
For the sake of answering this question under the assumption character one is under the impression something explicit was going on. Bruce simply wouldn't care? In Watchword canon Bruce is bisexual [Is he really a Copperfield if he isn't bisexual] and despite the era being less accepting of queer individuals. Bruce kinda doesn't question or care IF something was going on between the two. He would be curious simply because well he is a P.I that's the nature of his job but not so much in the way he would want his friend to out himself if he felt unsafe :/ so either was Bruce simply wouldn't be bothered  


11: Who would most likely be labeled a whore/man whore...? 6 [Edward], 4 [Ginger] or 2 [Gilbert] Let those three discuss.
I don't wanna say the only woman out of the threw would be labelled as a 'whore' but given the era and the stigma against female sexuality, I would have to say, Ginger. She is the one who sleeps around the most of the three but she is very sex-positive and is empowered by sexual exploration. Ginger is bisexual so she has slept with both men and women. She has a new partner every other night but it's because SHE wants to! no one is pressuring her to do so.  Edward is popular with women and one-night stands are not uncommon for him however he only likes to sleep with a select few he has made connections with. Gilbert before Watchword was married and wouldn't sleep around on his wife, even after the split he needs to have a romantic connection to sleep with someone. 


12: 1 [Bruce] is on a hike with 5 [Murry] and 5 [Murry]! What will 1 [Bruce] do?
So I'm going to play with this question under the assumption this is some other universe where Mur can leave the grounds of the Dollhouse and that Mur can faint. Again, Murry is a puppet body that doesn't require the need to eat, drink or sleep.
Bruce isn't great with medical stuff it's not his realm of expertise, he has always relied on Ginger for that however Bruce is unnaturally strong after becoming a Vox so he would carry Murry to the nearest hospital 


13: Movie night with 2 [Gilbert] and 3 [Violet]. 2 [Gilbert] makes 3[Violet] watch porn with him/her. Reactions?

So here is the thing this simply wouldn't happen it would be out of character because Gilbert is the godfather of Violet, Gilbert is a bit more of a prude when it comes to sex, very private so he wouldn't even suggest a thing not to mention movie nights would likely be public because Watchword takes place in 1925 the first tv was invented in 1927 >v> EVEN SO Gilbert wouldn't make enough money to buy a TV let alone have enough extra income to go see a movie. Violet would have the means to pay for them both to watch a movie but again this would be in the public so.... yeah this question while fun just kinda doesn't work with these characters or the time period sorry :P


14: Would 6 [Edward] would you repeat his/her life if 6[ Edward] could? Why or why not?
Up until his trip to Egypt, he would repeat, after that no he wouldn't. Edward made a horrible deal which cost him his freedom and bodily autonomy from a power beyond his control. In a sense this man becomes trapped within his own body should he refuse orders. He had a job he loved, friends he cared for and a romantic interest which were tossed away because he thought the deal was harmless. Edward would do anything to go back in time to stop himself but up until that point his life was fantastic, far from perfect as he is a man of color in the 1920's but he was well connected and beloved by Henry and Gilbert. 


15: Who would get into trouble faster, 2 [Gilbert] or 4 [Ginger] ?

Gilbert is a wanted man due to his connections with Henry however that wasn't deliberate and more situational. Ginger on the other hand is a troublemaker and would get into it faster but would also know how to wiggle herself out of said trouble. 


16: 1 [Bruce] I dare you to go find 5 [Murry] weak point.

I'm going to say that Bruce isn't walking out of that fight even as a distant memory. I don't wanna be that person with my characters but within the world of Watchword. Murry is untouchable except to humans who can trick him [like the ones who sealed him inside the bar] or other Outer Gods.  If a human like Bruce is able to land a hit on Murry it's because he ALLOWED it to happen. 


17: Who's the party animal between 1 [Bruce], 3[ Violet] and 4 [Ginger]

Okay but all three have a reputation but I'm going to say Ginger! Violet works as a showgirl for the Dollhouse but Ginger is the one who seeks out parties in the local area she has a reputation for drinking men and women under the table, she's good at drinking games/gambling and she is known to get around with both men and women. Ginger knows how to keep it both classy and loud.  If anyone knows my oc Grace, Ginger is her great, great grandmother and is where Grace gets that party lifestyle from. 


18: 5 [Murry] wakes up one morning with blood all over your face. 3 [Violet] slept over and is nowhere to be found! 5 [Murry] goes downstairs and sees 3 [Violet]. What was the story? (Let 3 explain)

Naw, I'm going to explain this one :P Murry likely got into a fight with one of his patrons who was overstepping or not following the rules of the bar and Violet likely crashed there because she was either too drunk to drive/walk home OR Violet was being harassed by someone in his bar, Murry told them to back off because Violet is one of his show girls and brings in good clients the last thing he wants is for her to feel uncomfortable or to leave the job so he lashed out at whoever was giving Violet shit, let her stay the night so she can be safe and not walk/drive home at night. 


19: 4 [Ginger] , from 1-10, how good-looking would you rate yourself?

Ginny would rate herself a '5' she is just in the middle.


20. What's your favorite thing about the opposite gender, 5 [Murry]?

So here is the thing..Murry appears as a man but his sex/gender can shift as he needs/pleases he has over 1000 avatars he can become :/ so there isn't a 'favourite thing about the opposite gender' with him. As the bartender Murry YES he goes by he/him and appears like a man but he isn't. He doesn't understand the concept of gender and finds the divide to be kinda silly.  What attracts Murry to others is if they can bring him entertainment and are chaotic in some way be it they bring about chaos OR their life is very chaotic. Murry's 'attraction' is beyond human understanding but can be boiled down to 'will this person bring me entertainment through chaos' ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

21. In your opinion, 6 [Edward] What's the worst thing about the opposite gender?
Sorta like Murry, Edward is heterosexual but he does find attractive features in both men and women being comfortable enough in his sexuality to point out when a man looks good so this applies to all genders. Edward doesn't find people who brag attractive. He loves the right amount of confidence but if someone needs to brag about the things they have done to feel better about themselves in his mind that shows a lack of confidence in the individual which is a turn-off. A person who is humble but can accept when they have done a good deed shows the person is aware of their skills but won't use it to put others down. 


22. 2 [Gilbert] calls 5 [Murry] over for an "emergency". 5 [Murry] rushes over and 2 [Gilbert] tells 5 [Murry] to entertain him/her. How does 5 [Murry] respond?

Going to change the question a bit to better fit Murry's limitations >:3c so I think Gilbert would maybe rush into the Dollhouse after hours screaming how it's an emergency and Murry being kinda indifferent would ask what he wants him to do about it only to find out that Gilbert is board and needs entertainment. Gilbert is likely somewhat drunk because under normal conditions this would be out of character for Gilbert as he is a more chill person except when he drinks, he's got zero brain cells.
So first off big mistake NEVER ask Murry to entertain you. Two things can happen
1) Murry will do some easy magic trick which is more sleight of hand and not really 'magic' just to see how fucked up Gilbert is and if what he deems 'entertainment' is at the level of dangling keys in front of a baby OR
 2) He is going to do some cosmic horror bullshit that will make Gilbert ever regret asking such a request. 


23. Is there anyone who you think about 6 [Edward], When you hear the word, bed?

Sorry folks, not in a romantic context like I believe this question is hinting at :P but Edward is a single man, while he has someone he likes there is no romantic or sexual relationship there. Instead, he thinks of his old friend Henry who tends to overwork himself to the point be becomes sick and needs to stay in bed. OR how Henry is always late to meetings because he has over slept.  Anything to do with dreams, bed, sleeping or being tired makes him think of Henry. 


24. 5 [Murry] Would you marry your current boyfriend/girlfriend right now if they asked? If you don't have one, who from this meme would you marry right now?

;V; My boy Murry is 'single' as in he doesn't have an existing or 'main' pairing. He DOES have a wife going back to having many lovers but he doesn't have one he is with all the time. [ngl as the creator I've always wanted to pair Murry with a friends oc because he is my favourite out of my kids seriously this pairing would get SO much art from me that it would be unreal]
That being said if he HAD to pick from the cast on this list Murry's choice would be Bruce! He kinda fits everything he is looking for in a 'human' partner. Bruce has a chaotic life that Murry would love to listen to for hours on end. Bruce is curious so he wouldn't be scared of what Murry has to say/talk about. Bruce is also someone who has overcome situations where the odds were against him making Bruce very unpredictable which draws Murry to him. Murry also finds him easy on the eyes :P


25. The meme is over! All of you relieved or happy? (Don't forget to tag if you want to!

>:V DO IT!
I wouldn't mind doing a Cosmic Color or Watchword 2.0 addition [next gen] if requested

Adopt and Commission sale

Posted 2 months, 16 days ago by Contradictingparadox

Running a flash sale for commissions and adopts 30% off >:3 I wanna sorta clean out my adopt stock to make way for new ones but going to include those who want commissions. Code for commissions FLASHSALE 

Code for adopts ADOPTFLASHSALE


[Meme] Who me?

Posted 2 months, 17 days ago by Contradictingparadox

Used to love doing these back in the day and saw a friend do this

Name: Dani/Paradox

Age/Age Range: 29

Sexuality: Panromatic Asexual 

Pronouns + Gender:  I'm Nonbinary this is going to be a bit to explain. They/Them if you have to gender me He/Him HOWEVER if you know me in rl of have any connections to my rl family/friends. It's She/Her for my safety. 

What do you Love: random facts,coffee, and cosmic horror

What do you Hate: When my health makes it difficult to exist, loud noises, and bright colors

Pet Peeves: when my body decides to fucking shut down on itself, people who insult my taste in stories,food,characters,trivia that I like.

Favorite Food: Pizza, Pasta, frozen fruit 

Favorite Drinks: I only drink Water,Coffee or tea so....

Coffee or Tea: Coffee

Favorite TV Show/Movie: Over the Garden Wall, Terror, Legends of Vox Machina, Haunting of hill house [1963] and The Barbie Movie. 

Pretzels or Chips: None

Spicy or Sweet: I hate sweet foods, Spicy!

Early Bird or Night Owl: I'm a 'whatever time my body decides to function and I'm not to sick to lay in bed' kinda person. Used to be a Night owl

Ping a Friend!: I mean sure if you are reading this consider yourself tagged

What's a Place you would Love to Visit:  Going to sound lame but I kinda wanna meet three of my American friends. I don't care where we meet I just wanna meet them ;v; 

Favorite Color(s): Pastel Pink + Any pastel colors

Favorite Video Game: Animal Crossing, The Sinking City, Pokemon Scarlet

Favorite Person: I don't care I'm saying my dog Sadie T_T

Computer or Phone: I own both but my phone is more for like 'emails on the go' I refuse to have it set up for anything outside of an emergency. If ya'll need to contact me use email. I like a paper trail of my conversations. 

Favorite Insult: whatever word vomit soup comes out of my mouth

Are you Sarcastic: depends on who I'm with

Cats or Dogs: I love both but I'm starting to figure out I'm a dog person

Favorite Animal: I like a lot so I'm just going to give a run down. Frogs, Elephants, Hedgehogs, and Rainbow/Mantis Shrimp

What do you think about the most: Before it was about work but now my brain has kinds shifted to 'your body is shutting down slowly and there is nothing you can do about it, you are going to die alone' but on the other side I also think about whatever book I'm reading at the time [Grimnoir]

Goofy or Silly: Dunno?

MBTI: This system is bullshit T_T it's no more correct than your horoscope but I keep getting INFJ

Who’s your Favorite OC you Own: It can change from time to time but I always fall back on Mur. I just don't post/do a lot with him in public because he is considered a background character who watches things unfold and doesn't really have a story of his own that's interesting to tell

Were these questions decent?: Killed sometime I guess

About Meme

Posted 10 months, 26 days ago by Contradictingparadox

I stole this from Yurii

   Name: Dani for close friends only, if you are on my discord or have known me for years I'm comfy with being called Dani. Paradox will do just fine if we don't know each other well enough. I will often let you know when I'm comfy to have you call me by Dani but I also won't fuss if you continue to call me Paradox :)

   Age: 28 Yikes.... I'm gettin' old

   Zodiac: Virgo   and I'm born year of the dog  

   Pets: I got a ten-year-old gray cat named Neppy and a four-year-old red river/hound dog named Sadie

  Fun Fact: Going to give you a top five. 

1) I know way too many facts about frogs  
2) I'm known for my digital art but in real life, I tend to prefer using Watercolors or Ohuhu brand markers for art  
3) I can't use blue oil pastels without gloves because I'm allergic to the pigment  
4) My lucky number is  
5) I'm not used to talking a lot so my throat gets sore if I talk for longer than ten minutes. This actually makes verbal communication very painful.   

☆Identity and Personality☆

   Gender: I'm female presenting Non-Binary 

  Pronouns: They/Them

  Orientation: Asexual, Panromantic   

   Relationship status: Single and not really looking


   Early bird or Night owl:   Night Owl naturally! all my best ideas come at night

   Bath or Shower:  Bath if I'm sick, Shower 

   First thought in the morning: I need to let Sadie out, feed the animals and make myself a coffee

   Last thought before falling asleep: There is so much room on the bed yet my animals really feel the need to just claim all but a tiny part that is left for me. I'm going to have unbelievable back pain. 


   Do you work or are you a student: I'm a freelance illustrator! 

   What do you do well: I hold onto useless facts that could never help me in life unless I was on a game show and these facts take up so much room in my memory that I don't tend to recall people's names unless we have talked about 10+ times. It's nothing personal! My brain just decides that facts about mantis shrimp is more important to my survival than recalling my great aunt's name. My brain is fucking stupid.

☆habits (do you..?)☆

   Drink: I do not drink at all, it fucks me up due to my medication.

   Exercise: Yoga and Zumba! 

   Go-to comfort food: Cheese

   Nervous habit: It's a habit I'm trying to break but I've done it since I was very little when I'm anxious I will scratch at my arm. It does bleed sometimes depending on how anxious I am. I don't notice I'm doing it until the damage is done. It sucks but I'm trying to stop it so far with no success. 

☆what is your favorite...?☆

   Food: Cheese

   Drink: Coffee,Tea or Water. I don't drink pop or juice 

   Animal: This is a toss-up between three. Frogs, Hedgehogs or Mantis Shrimp

   Artist/Band: I enjoy The Hu. He does a fair amount of covers but I also like his original work Little V is on that list!

   Games: Picking a fav game is very hard because I'm already fussy as it is so I'm just going to list a few

- Dynasty / Orochi Warriors

- Tekken/Street Fighter/ Injustice

- Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town/ Stardew Valley

- Animal Crossing

   Tv show: I don't watch tv but this is a toss up between Swamp Thing and Succession [thanks to HaintSoul]